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Watergate lawyer drafted in for Trump-Russia investigation, special counsel Robert Muller reveals

Mueller's bringing along some well heeled attorneys to help

Clark Mindock
New York
Friday 19 May 2017 16:25 BST
Mueller is bringing a well seasoned staff to help him as special prosecutor
Mueller is bringing a well seasoned staff to help him as special prosecutor (Getty)

Robert Mueller isn’t starting his work investigating Russia’s influence on the 2016 election alone, he’s also bringing along a veteran Watergate prosecutor and another man who he’s worked closely with him before.

James Quarles, who started his career working on the Watergate Special Prosecution Force, and Aaron Zebley, Mr Mueller’s chief of staff at the FBI, are joining the investigation.

Another Watergate veteran says that Mr Quarles’ prior experience in such a high-stakes investigation will only help stabilise the process.

“There is nothing comparable to the kind of pressure and obligation that this kind of job puts on your shoulders,” Richard Ben-Veniste, a lawyer who served as a special prosecutor during the Watergate scandal, told CNN describing Mr Quarles’ unique qualifications. “Having been there before, gives him the confidence to know how to do it and how to do it right.”

The choice of Mr Mueller as special prosecutor has elicited praise from many in Washington who are familiar with him. A former FBI director, Mr Mueller has established a reputation for himself as a steadfast and resolute lawyer. He is known for diligent and deep probes into issues, leaving no stone unturned.

His career has seen him prosecute a wide range of cases including drug-related murders in Washington, international terrorism, and he has even been hired as a private counsel to investigate the NFL’s culpability in Ray Rice’s domestic violence case (to give a good idea of his thoroughness: His write-up afterward included five pages just describing the NFL’s process for the delivery of mail and packages).

Mr Mueller and his team may not present the results of their investigation for some time, and it is believed that there will be very few leaks in the months ahead to give a good idea of where things are headed. The special prosecutor will be able to independently determine the timeline of investigation so that they can diligently peel away at every facet of the case.

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