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Trump news: Mueller hints he was blocked from charging president with obstruction of justice in damning resignation speech

Special counsel says if his team could have cleared the president of a crime 'we would have said so'

Chris Riotta
New York
,Joe Sommerlad
Wednesday 29 May 2019 21:04 BST
Mueller says policy protected Trump from indictment but hints at impeachment in resignation statement

FBI special counsel Robert Mueller spoke out about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, saying Donald Trump could not have been charged due to Justice Department guidelines that bar indictments against a sitting president.

The special counsel focused most of his statement on Russia's sweeping interference operations, concluding his remarks by saying, "There were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election. And that allegation deserves the attention of every American."

Mr Mueller declined to exonerate the president since he did not have enough evidence to clear him of a crime, the special counsel noted on Wednesday, which marked his first statement made directly to the public since beginning his investigation two years ago.

The special counsel made clear he believed he was restrained from indicting a sitting president — such an action was “not an option” — because of a Justice Department legal opinion. He did not use the word ‘impeachment” but said it was Congress’ job to hold the president accountable for any wrongdoing.

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” he said. “We did not however make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.”

The special counsel's statement largely echoed the central points of his 448-page report released last month with some redactions. But his remarks, just under 10 minutes long and delivered from a Justice Department podium, were nonetheless extraordinary given that he had never before discussed or characterised his findings and had stayed mute during two years of feverish public speculation.

Mr Mueller, a former FBI director, said his work was complete and he was resigning to return to private life. For his rare appearance, he wore a black suit, crisp white shirt and blue tie, walking briskly onto the stage gripping a folder containing prepared remarks that he largely adhered to.

His remarks underscored the unsettled resolution, and revelations of behind-the-scenes discontent, that accompanied the end of his investigation. Mr Mueller’s refusal to reach a conclusion on criminal obstruction opened the door for William Barr, the attorney general, to clear the president, who in turn has cited the attorney general’s finding as proof of his innocence.

Mr Mueller has privately vented to Mr Barr about his handling of the report, while Mr Barr has publicly said he was taken aback by the special counsel’s decision to neither exonerate nor incriminate the president.

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Under pressure to testify before Congress, Mr Mueller did not rule it out. But he seemed to warn lawmakers that they would not be pulling more detail out of him. His report is “my testimony,” he said, and he won’t go beyond what is written in it.

“So beyond what I have said here today and what is contained in our written work,” Mr Mueller said, “I do not believe it is appropriate for me to speak further about the investigation or to comment on the actions of the Justice Department or Congress.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report. Please allow a moment for our liveblog to load


It appears Special Counsel Robert Mueller will break his silence at 11:00 am today: 

Chris Riotta29 May 2019 14:38

Here’s a recap from the president’s trip to Japan over the holiday weekend, focusing on arguably the best part of any international voyage: the food. In Trump’s case, of course, it was more of a Western-flavoured affair. 

Chris Riotta29 May 2019 14:45

It appears the president's quiet day may have something to do with Robert Mueller's upcoming statement. A senior official has told reporters the White House was alerted about the possibility of a statement from the special counsel as late as last night: 

Chris Riotta29 May 2019 15:00

So when it comes to have Robert Mueller might say, the three main pieces of context would be:

1) That Mr Mueller had complained about Attorney General's characterisation of his report in the initial summary the Department of Justice put out. We may get more of the special counsel's feelings on that.

2) Mr Mueller is seemingly still undecided about how/when to appear in front of Congress about his report - with Mr Trump calling on his aides to ignore subpoenas. We may get some clarity on that, with Democrats having been clear earlier in the month that Mr Mueller would appear.

3) Yesterday, Mr Muller issued a rare public denial over a story that he had potentially planned on charging the president over obstruction of justice.

Chris Stevenson29 May 2019 15:09

So, what might Robert Mueller's surprise announcement be about exactly? For starters, the special counsel took the rare step of flatly denying this wild report from yesterday: 

Chris Riotta29 May 2019 15:18

Rumours are swirling around Robert Mueller's upcoming statement, though it remains unclear exactly what he intends to say: 

Chris Riotta29 May 2019 15:30

Reports indicate Robert Mueller’s statement will last nearly eight to nine minutes. The special counsel reportedly won’t take questions from reporters and is also expected to make a “substantial” statement, though it remains unclear exactly what he might say. 

Chris Riotta29 May 2019 15:45

It is likely Special Counsel Robert Mueller will at least discuss in part his possible testimony before Congress, as reports indicate he has been in talks with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler:

Chris Riotta29 May 2019 15:53

Robert Mueller is expected to speak momentarily. We will bring you live updates as they come in. Grab your popcorn and stay tuned.

Chris Riotta29 May 2019 15:59

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has begun his opening statement, discussing why he was appointed to serve in the special counsel's office in the first place: investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. 

"I am speaking out today because our investigation is complete ... we are formally closing the special counsel's office."

Chris Riotta29 May 2019 16:02

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