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Trump news – live: Series of explosive allegations made against president including accusations he asked China to help him win 2020 election

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UK-US deal 'almost impossible' before 2020 election, says Trump's trade representative

A pre-publication release of John Bolton's upcoming book unleashed a flood of shocking revelations about Donald Trump's presidency, including asking Xi Jinping to help his re-election campaign and voicing his approval of Chinese internment camps for Muslims.

Trump meanwhile said he would support Colin Kaepernick's return to the NFL, and said if there was one thing he could change about his handling of race relations was his "tone".

Police reform hangs in the balance as Democrats and Republicans move forward with separate bills following the president's executive order to increasing policing standards.

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Don Jr's girlfriend lives to regret comparing Trump address to LEGO Movie song 'Everything is Awesome'

According to a new book by CNN's Brian Stelter, Fox pundit Kimberly Guilfoyle got rather over-excited at Trump's golden escalator announcement he was running for president in 2015, likening the moment to the bogus sense of elation conjured by the anthem at the centre of the popular kids' film.

The movie's director has a message for her.

Joe Sommerlad17 June 2020 15:50

Florida health worker says 15 of her friends all got coronavirus on first night out at bar after months of lockdown

This is all starting to look rather ominous isn't it?

Chris Riotta has the latest.

Joe Sommerlad17 June 2020 16:10

Joe Biden widens lead over Trump to 13 points

Here's John T Bennett on the latest polling sure to aggravate the president.

Joe Sommerlad17 June 2020 16:25

Aunt Jemima brand to change name and image of black woman 'based on a racial stereotype'

 Aunt Jemima syrup and pancake mix will be given a new name and image by Quaker Oats, after the company acknowledged the brand's origins were racist.

Quaker Oats announced on Wednesday that the brand will be given a new logo later in 2020, after acknowledging that "Aunt Jemima's origins are based on a racial stereotype."

The brand, which is 130 years old, has faced criticism over the last few years, for the origins of the branding of Aunt Jemima, who is a black woman.

James Crump reports: 

Danielle Zoellner17 June 2020 17:00

New York City on track to start Phase Two of reopening Monday

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Wednesday that New York City, which has often been the epicentre for the coronavirus, was on track to enter Phase Two on Monday. 

Phase Two would allow all office-based jobs, real estate services, and retail to reopen as long as they have health plans to address the coronavirus pandemic. Outdoor dining would also be allowed at restaurants that have the capacity to allow it. 

Businesses that will remain closed include malls, movie theatres, gyms, indoor dining at restaurants and bars, large venues, and public gathering places like amusement parks, zoos, etc. 

Danielle Zoellner17 June 2020 17:16

Texas inmate granted last minute reprieve by US Supreme Court 

A Texas death row inmate was granted a last minute reprieve by the US Supreme Court following a new state policy preventing clergy members from entering the execution chambers.

The order from the highest court in the country came about one hour before Ruben Gutierrez, 42, was scheduled for execution by lethal injection at Texas State Penitentiary in Huntsville on Tuesday.

Guiterrez was convicted of fatally stabbing Escolastica Harrison in 1998 when attempting to steal the $600,000 she hid in her Brownsville home, according to prosecutors.

Our report: 

Danielle Zoellner17 June 2020 17:37

More governors declare Juneteenth a national holiday

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo become the latest to declare Juneteenth on 19 June a public holiday. 

"During a time when communities of color are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, and when the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery have shone a light on the systemic racism Black Americans face every day, we must work together to build a more equitable and just Michigan. I'm proud to declare June 19, 2020 as Juneteenth Celebration Day, and will continue to work tirelessly to create a state that is equal for all," Ms Whitmer said in a statement.

Mr Cuomo said he signed an executive order announcing Juneteenth as a public holiday for employees. He would later push legislation for next year that would make it an official state holiday. 

Juneteenth represents a pivotal day in US history when Texas became the final state to follow the Emancipation Proclamation and free all slaves in 1865. 

Virginia also declared the day a state holiday. 

Danielle Zoellner17 June 2020 17:59
Danielle Zoellner17 June 2020 18:25

White House says rally attendees assume some of the 'risk' when attending but that's 'part of life'

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was questioned about the concerns over the president's Tulsa, Oklahoma, rally on Saturday. 

According to a reporter with PBS, the press secretary said attendees were assuming some of the "risk" involved with attending the rally during a pandemic. She said this risk was just "part of life" but added there were pre-cautions the president and his team were putting in place. 

Attendees were required to sign a waiver before purchasing their ticket for the rally. 

Danielle Zoellner17 June 2020 18:40

US police reform hangs in the balance as Democrats and Republicans move ahead with separate bills

 The Democratic-controlled House and the Republican-controlled Senate are expected to vote on two separate policing reform bills next week, setting the stage for a high-stakes negotiation on subsequent compromise legislation that lawmakers from both parties are anxious to present to Donald Trump by the 4 July holiday.

As the nation continues to grieve over the deaths of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, and others, there are glimmers of hope in Washington for just such a deal.

"If we are going to make law on this issue in the United States Senate, it will have to be a bipartisan effort," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday.

Griffin Connolly with the full report: 

Danielle Zoellner17 June 2020 19:03

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