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Trump news: President rages over historic impeachment vote as White House expert reveals details of Ukraine policy

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Joe Sommerlad
New York
,Clark Mindock
Thursday 31 October 2019 16:44 GMT
Jimmy Kimmel mashes up Obama's Bin Laden speech and Trump's Baghdadi address

The House of Representatives has voted to formalise the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump by 232-196, firmly along party lines, establishing key ground rules for the ongoing investigation and setting up a potentially explosive public hearing phase.

Before the ballots were cast, House speaker Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff reminded members of the “solemnity” of the day before angry Republicans Devin Nunes and Steve Scalise accused the opposition of “acting like a cult” and carrying out a “Soviet-style” operation. Mr Trump himself then raged at the result on Twitter, branding the inquiry: “The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History!”

Tim Morrison, the National Security Council’s top Russia adviser reportedly said the administration’s dealings with Ukraine gave him “a sinking feeling”, during testimony on Capitol Hill after lawyers for the president’s former national security adviser, John Bolton, said he will appear before the House panel next week should a subpoena be issued.

During his testimony, Mr Morrison confirmed that Mr Trump had sought a quid pro quo related to US security funding and an investigation into Joe Biden, but said he did not believe Mr Trump had broken the law.

The impeachment vote means that the House is moving into a new phase, with public hearings likely on the horizon as Democrats continue to pursue the president over potential wrongdoing.

And, shortly after the vote, Democratic congresswoman Katie Hill delivered a scathing resignation speech, in which she declared that she was the victim of a "double standard" because she had been accused of an inappropriate but consensual sexual relationship, and forced from Congress.

Mr Trump, she said, is meanwhile still the president after repeated accusations of sexual assault (he has denied doing so).

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There we have it.

Those Democrats voting "No" were Colin Peterson of Minnesota and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 15:25

After a final five-minute vote, the House passes the resolution 232 to 196 - formalising its impeachment proceedings against Trump and setting up a round of dramatic public hearings for which the likes of Ambassador Taylor and Lt Col Vindman have already volunteered.

Here's Clark Mindock's breaking story.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 15:30

Here's Trump's predictably furious response.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 15:35

While all that drama was going on, this little anecdote from last night was brought to my attention and is mighty telling about the commander-in-chief's home life.

Here's Narjas Zatat for Indy100.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 15:50

Bravo Thomas Romney, son of Mitt, who has dressed up as his father's Twitter alter ego "Pierre Delecto" for Halloween.

Hard to beat California congresswoman Katie Porter though, who is trolling stuffed-shirt Republicans by spending the day dressed up as Batgirl.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 16:05

Twitter's announcement yesterday that it is banning all political advertising left no one more annoyed than Trump's Warhammer-looking campaign manager, Brad Parscale.

Andy Gregory has the details.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 16:20

Urgh, check this out from Ivanka Trump.

Don Jr also made a chump of himself on Sean Hannity's show last night.

The boys never learn do they?

Narjas Zatat has more.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 16:30

Here's what the House Democrats has to say about today's historic impeachment vote...

...and here's the fuming GOP.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 16:40

Oh hello.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 16:50

Congress's Hispanic Caucus has built a shrine to those refugees, migrants and asylum seekers who lost their lives attempting to reach the US-Mexico border in honour of Day of the Dead. 

A pointed and moving tribute under an administration whose cruel anti-immigration policies threaten to define it if the president's impeachment doesn't.

Joe Sommerlad31 October 2019 17:00

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