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Trump impeachment news: Ambassador gets standing ovation for her testimony after 'intimidation' attempt by president

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Andrew Feinberg
Capitol Hill, Washington DC
,Clark Mindock,Joe Sommerlad,Chris Riotta
Friday 15 November 2019 21:41 GMT
Schiff asks Yovanovitch about Trump's real-time attacks

As ex-Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch has testified before the House impeachment inquiry, just after the White House has released its transcript of the first call between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky, seemingly an attempt to distract from the veteran diplomat's potentially explosive deposition.

Speaking in Louisiana last night, the president complained the inquiry has been “very hard” on his family as he took to the stage to muster support for Republican gubernatorial candidate Eddie Rispone, the plea for sympathy a marked change of tactic.

As security experts warn Mr Trump’s 26 July phone call with Gordon Sondland, ambassador to the EU, could have been picked up by Russian spies, the president is planning to take the battle to withhold his tax returns from investigators to the Supreme Court.

The Friday testimony proved to be an exciting one, with Mr Trump live tweeting the exchange until being called out directly by Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

In doing so, Mr Schiff was able to check in with Ms Yovanovitch in real time, and hear from her that she believed his comments to be aimed at intimidation.

Many have now said that Mr Trump's attack may amount to witness tampering — which could add to the articles of impeachment facing the president.

Ms Yovanovitch also described publicly a conspiracy led by Rudy Giuliani to get her removed from her post as ambassador — which she said she did not understand the purpose of, since the president could have simply fired her if he wanted.

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Ms Yovanovitch says that Rudy Giuliani "should have known" that the smear campaign against her was a lie.

But, she says that she cannot say why she thinks Mr Giuliani went after her.

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 14:44

Ms Yovanovitch describes her being called back to Washington, in spite of her being asked previously to stay on as ambassador until 2020.

She describes high stakes for US-Ukraine relations:

"At the time I departed Ukraine had just concluded game changing elections. It was a sensitive period... and called for all the experience and expertise we could muster."

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 14:45

Again, Ms Yovanovitch noting the gravity of what happened to her:

"Our Ukraine policy has been thrown into disarray, and shady interests the world over have learned how little it takes to remove an American ambassador who does not give them what they want. After these events what foreign official corrupt or not can be blamed for wondering whether the US ambassador represents" the president's views?

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 14:47

Ms Yovanovitch evokes the death of ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012, to make the point that American diplomats abroad "answer the call" to serve the country — with sometimes grave consequences.

The attacks in Benghazi were focused on by Republicans who claimed the death proved that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had flubbed and injured America's foreign standing.

Of course, that brings a direct contrast with the Trump administration apparently holding up military aide to an ally over a personal political battle.

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 14:53

Andrew Feinberg, inside the hearings for The Independent, says:

Yovanovitch’s statement is compelling — at least to Democrats on the committee, who listened to her intently with some leaning forward in their seats. Even some of the Republicans looked to be paying attention this time (Hurd, Ratcliffe, and Stefanik in particular). Jim Jordan is either reading her statement or something else.

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 14:54

Ms Yovanovitch testifies that Rudy Giuliani attempted to overturn her decision to not grant former Ukrainian official Viktor Shokin a visa. Mr Shokin was the target of an effort by Joe Biden as vice president to weed out corruption in Ukraine.

Mr Giuliani was not, and is not, a US government employee.

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 14:56

Ms Yovanovitch, when asked about Mr Trump saying Ukrainian officials like Mr Shokin were treated poorly, says:

"I'm just not sure what the basis for that kind of a statement would be. Certainly not from our reporting over the years."

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 14:57

Ms Yovanovitch on what she thinks is the impact of her firing, over apparent political reasons:

"It's I think a big hit for morale both in the US embassy Kiev but also more broadly in the State Department."

"I think that's a fair statement," she says when asked if other State Department officials across the world might understand from her circumstances that taking on corruption could lead to their ouster.

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 14:59

Ms Yovanovitch is now discussing an anti-corruption event, and the acid attack on Kateryna Handziuk, who was killed in 2018.

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 15:01

Ms Yovanovitch says that the White House was "concerned" about her, when she was being told about her being recalled.

She also said she was not told what urgency there was for her to be on the "next flight" back to the US, other than that there were "concerns" about her security. She also says she asked about Rudy Giuliani's involvement, but did not get a substantive answer.

Clark Mindock15 November 2019 15:04

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