Jeff Sessions in KKK robe image projected onto Justice Department headquarters

'I thought the KKK was OK until I learned that they smoked pot'

Clark Mindock
New York
Tuesday 23 May 2017 18:32 BST

Stunning visuals depicting Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a Ku Klux Klan robe have been projected onto iconic Washington buildings including the Department of Justice building.

The projections, created by activist and artist Robin Bell, showed Mr Sessions with the infamous white hood alongside some of his past statements that have been pointed to as insensitive to racist struggles.

“I thought the KKK was OK until I learned that they smoked pot,” one of the projections reads, a close approximation to a comment Mr Sessions made while investigating a case against Klansmen as a US attorney in Alabama in the 1980s. Mr Sessions later characterised the comment as a joke, which the other attorneys present at the time agree with.

Other projections criticised Mr Sessions for his perceived role in the decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey. Mr Sessions had recused himself from investigations into the potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and Mr Comey had refused to stop those investigations. Though he recused himself, Mr Sessions later wrote a memo supporting Mr Comey’s ouster.

Mr Bell also projected images onto FBI headquarters with images of Rex Tillerson, Nikki Haley, and Scott Pruit. The projections suggested that Mr Trump be impeached and said that the public needs to see the memo — likely referring to a reported note written by Mr Comey describing interactions he had with the President before he was fired.

Mr Bell recently told the Huffington Post that he hopes his projected messages of resistance will one day reflect that there were plenty of dissidents to Mr Tump’s presidency.

“Maybe in the history books, it’ll show that we were not for this,” he said.

He has also projected onto the Trump International Hotel in DC, and has projected figures put behind in protest of the disproportionate number of black males who have been disenfranchised in the United States as a result of the war on drugs.

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