Powdered alcohol could be banned in US states before it hits shelves

Federal government approved Palcohol in March

Payton Guion
Thursday 16 April 2015 17:55 BST

Palcohol, the brand name of a powdered alcohol product that can be mixed with water or sprinkled on cereal to create a cocktail, is facing a legal battle in several US states before it even hits the market.

The state government in Maine is working on banning the powder, while dozens of other states are considering similar bans even after the federal government approved the product last month.

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau in March gave approval to four Palcohol varieties, which include those made from rum and vodka. Mark Phillips, the founder of Palcohol, told the Associated Press that he plans to start selling the powder soon.

But the majority of states are sceptical about Palcohol, saying that it would make it easier to minors to consume alcohol.

“We're all trying to get our laws in place before it hits the shelves, and he wants to get it on the shelves as quickly as possible to demonstrate that it's not a problem,” Maine Rep. Mick Devin, a Democrat who introduced a bill to ban powdered alcohol in the state, told the AP.

Six states have already banned powdered alcohol and 30 others are considering legislation that would restrict the sale of the powder.

Mr Phillips said that his product is no more dangerous than liquid alcohol and says that banning it will only drive demand, comparing it to Prohibition.

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