Melania Trump: New York Times calls journalist's comment about First Lady 'completely inappropriate'

Actress Emily Ratajkowski tweeted that a NYT journalist told her ‘Melania is a hooker’

Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith
Tuesday 14 February 2017 16:07 GMT
The newspaper admitted one of its journalists 'referred to an unfounded rumour' about the First Lady
The newspaper admitted one of its journalists 'referred to an unfounded rumour' about the First Lady (Getty)

The New York Times has responded to a claim that one of its journalists said the First Lady "is a hooker", calling the comment "completely inappropriate".

Actress Emily Ratajkowski tweeted on Monday that a journalist from the newspaper had made the comment to her the night before, and called it out for “slut shaming” Melania Trump.

Ms Ratajkowski tweeted: “Sat next to a journalist from the NYT last night who told me ‘Melania is a hooker’. Whatever your politics it’s crucial to call this out for what it is: slut shaming.”

“I don’t care about her nudes or sexual history and no one should,” she said, adding: “Gender specific attacks are disgusting sexist bulls***.”

New York Times spokeswoman Eileen Murphy said the reporter had “referred to an unfounded rumour” regarding the First Lady, and editors have spoken to them regarding the lapse.

“The comment was not intended to be public, but it was nonetheless completely inappropriate and should not have occurred,” she added.

The journalist has not been named, but they do not cover Washington or politics, Ms Murphy said.

The First Lady did not respond directly to the comments, but she tweeted a message from the @FLOTUS Twitter account that was directed at Ms Ratajkowski, and cited her twitter handle @emrata.

The tweet read: “Applause to all women around the world who speak up, stand up and support other women! @emrata #PowerOfEveryWoman #PowerOfTheFirstLady”.

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