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Lori Loughlin in court: Celebrities including Felicity Huffman appear for college admissions scandal hearing

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Sarah Harvard
New York
Wednesday 03 April 2019 19:10 BST
Actors Huffman, Loughlin charged in college admissions case

Hollywood starlets Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin made their first courtroom appearance at a Boston federal Court alongside 13 other parents charged with a nationwide college admission cheating scandal.

Huffman and Loughlin appeared before Magistrate Judge Page Kelly on Wednesday for felony charges that they bribed and cheated exams in order to get their daughters accepted into elite universities.

The defendants have been charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud in a large-scale scheme prosecutors called "Operation Varsity Blues."

Prosecutors said wealthy parents paid a college preparatory business to cheat on standardised tests or bribe coaches into helping them get their child accepted into highly competitive universities ranging from Georgetown University, Yale University, and the University of Southern California.

Huffman paid $15,000 to William Rick Singer, the orchestrator behind the scheme, to have her son's SAT exams rigged. Loughlin paid $500,000 for her two daughters to be considered as recruits to the University of Southern California's crew team. Neither of her daughters ever rowed competitively.

The court appearances for the Hollywood defendants lasted mere minutes.

When Loughlin, and her husband, fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, was called to appear before the judge, she smiled and reached over to shake the hands of the three prosecutors that brought the felony charges against her.

When asked if they understand the charges and the terms of conditions for their release, both Loughlin and Huffman said they understood.

Ms Kelly said that international travel is prohibited unless it is required for business. The defendants are required to turn in their passports to the probation's office. Loughlin's attorney said she already turned her passport over to her pretrial supervisor in California.

The defendants are also not allowed to take narcotic drugs unless prescribed, possess firearms, and have direct or indirect contact with victims or witnesses — unless there is a lawyer present.

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Ms Kelly rejected a request to prohibit parens from discussing the case with their children, saying it is unrealistic.

Actor William H. Macy, Huffman's husband, was not charged in the case despite a FBI affidavit describing the actress's "spouse" also participated in the scheme. He also did not appear in court.

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Although Lori Loughlin has yet to arrive in court, some of her supporters are waiting outside court wearing masks in support.

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 18:00

California marketing executive Jane Buckingham is also among the 15 parents scheduled to appear in Boston Federal Court on Wednesday.

She reportedly paid William Rick Singer, the organiser of the scheme, $50,0000 to have someone take her son's ACT example.

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 18:15

From NBC's Caroline Connolly:

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 18:30

Per New York Post's Page Six: Olivia Jade, Loughlin's daughter, is not speaking to her parents after the college admission scandal broke the news. She reportedly  “is still very upset at her parents."

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 18:45

From New York Times' Amanda Hess:

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 19:00

Lori Loughlin has now arrived at the court house.

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 19:20

From Boston Globe's Shelley Murphy:

One of the parents in the college admissions cheating scandal, Peter Jan Sartorio, will plead guilty in this case, according to a court filing. Two others are in negotiations. Now, 10 parents are scheduled to appear in court today.

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 19:43

Loughling is welcomed by fans and critics. Some are chanting "pay my tuition!"

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 19:45

Judge Page Kelley says she will leave bail the same as it is set by other judges in other jurisdictions.

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 19:46

Judge Kelly describes conditions parents must follow while they await on bail. Some of this include no international travel unless required for business, refraining from narcotic drugs unless prescribed, no firearms in their residences, and no director or indirect contact with victims or witnesses – unless there is a lawyer presence.

Defendants will have to turn in their passports to the probation's office. They can retrieve it for travel, but must return it after their travel ends.

Sarah Harvard3 April 2019 19:50

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