Stephen Paddock: Weeks before attack gunman rented Las Vegas Airbnb room 'facing alternative music festival'

Sheriff Joseph Lombaro calls killer 'disturbed and dangerous' 

Henry Austin
Thursday 05 October 2017 01:49 BST

The gunman who killed 58 people and injured hundreds more at a Las Vegas concert had rented another room in the city on the weekend of an alternative music festival, investigators said.

Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told reporters that Stephen Paddock rented a room through Airbnb at the Ogden hotel in downtown Las Vegas but didn't know why.

He said investigators have recovered items and video from the hotel, which was rented over the weekend of 22 to 24 September.

The Life is Beautiful festival featured Chance the Rapper, Muse, Lorde and Blink-182.

Sheriff Lombardo made the revelation at a news conference where he provided a detailed timeline of events.

Calling Paddock “disturbed and dangerous", he added that the number of injured was now confirmed at 489 people, although many had been released from the city's hospitals.

His comments came shortly after Paddock’s girlfriend said that she had no idea he was planning an attack on the Strip and was devastated for the victims.

A lawyer for Marilou Danley read a statement from her after she was questioned by FBI agents in Los Angeles about her boyfriend.

Ms Danley was out of the country at the time of the attack and said Paddock sent her to see her family in her native Philippines.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump traveled to Las Vegas to meet with law enforcement officers and survivors of the shooting outside the Mandalay Bay hotel casino.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe , speaking at a cybersecurity forum in Boston, said investigators are busy "reconstructing the life, the behaviour, the pattern of activity of this individual and anyone and everyone who may have crossed his path in the days and the weeks leading up to this horrific event."

Asked if investigators had determined why Paddock carried out the attack, he said, "We are not there yet."

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