Jewish man who reunited with his Nazi twin brother dies

A California man who reunited with his long-lost twin brother after 25 years has died of cancer at 82-years-old.
In 1933, Jack Yufe was born in Trinidad with his identical twin brother but 6-months later the boy's parents would separate.
Mr Yufe lived with his father and was raised Jewish, eventually serving in the Israeli Navy, while his brother Oskar Stohr lived with his mother in Germany. Mr Stohr grew up as a Nazi, eventually joining the Hitler Youth, the Los Angeles Times reports.
The brothers remained in contact with each other and reunited at 21-years-old to participate in a landmark study on twins at the University of Minnesota.
They shared the same mannerisms, humor and nervous ticks. But they would never agree on Palestine and Israeli politics nor the cause of World War II, the Washington Post reports.
Cal State Fullerton psychology professor Nancy Segal wrote a book on the brother’s aptly titled “Indivisible by Two: Lives of Extraordinary Twins.”
Professor Segal told the Times that the twins has an “extraordinary love-hate relationship.”
“They were repelled and fascinated by each other. They could not let go of the twinship,” she said.
The Post reports that Mr Yufe iis survived by three daughters: Anita Yufe, Hovi Reader and Debvra Gregory; And his two stepsons Renee and Enrique Vega.
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