Hillary Clinton to announce presidential bid on Sunday on Twitter ahead of 2016 US election

Clinton is seeking to raise 'an insane amount of money' during the first week

Lamiat Sabin
Friday 10 April 2015 12:55 BST
Hillary Clinton will be running for president ahead of the election in 2016
Hillary Clinton will be running for president ahead of the election in 2016 (Getty Images)

Hillary Clinton is expected to announce her forthcoming presidential campaign on Sunday to become the first female leader of the US.

The Democrat and former secretary of state will be running for a second time and the announcement is scheduled to be made on Twitter, in an attempt to connect with social media users and young voters.

Clinton has yet no real challenges from other Democratic would-be candidates, but her biggest obstacle ahead of the election in November next year may be overcoming her own image.

She lost in 2008 to current president Barack Obama due to his shrewd use of social media to draw in funds and support.

Clinton is seeking to raise “an insane amount of money” during the first week of her campaign, according to an insider speaking to The Daily Beast.

“They are going to raise in one week what some Republican presidential candidates are going to raise the entire cycle,” an aide told the website.

The former first lady is also positioning herself as more relatable to ordinary Americans, despite having spent the past four years jetting off around the world as Obama’s first-term secretary of state rather than interacting with average Americans.

She has also been deemed too secretive since she shunned an official email account at the State Department earlier this year and used her own private server instead.

The Guardian reported that Clinton, 67, would make her announcement on Twitter at noon eastern time on Sunday while headed to the early voting state of Iowa, followed up by email and video announcements.

Hillary Clinton with her former-president husband Bill
Hillary Clinton with her former-president husband Bill

Her campaign team has found a home at 1 Pierrepont Plaza in the Brooklyn Heights neighbourhood of Brooklyn, New York. The lease for two floors of the building was signed last week, according to Politico.

Clinton is the overwhelming favourite for the Democratic nomination. Only former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has hinted to a possible campaign.

The wife of former President Bill Clinton is neck-and-neck to, or slightly ahead of, some Republican contenders like libertarian Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky – a Quinnipiac University poll released this week shows.

Most polls in recent months have shown her with a substantial lead over the Republican 2016 field.

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