Dog attack victim Victoria Wilcher, 3, 'asked to leave KFC because face was scaring customers'

KFC has 'launched an investigation' after claim by family that 3-year-old, who had been mauled by three pit bulls, was forced to leave one of the chain's restaurants

Tomas Jivanda
Sunday 15 June 2014 17:19 BST
“Does this face look scary to you?” opens the Facebook post detailing the incident
“Does this face look scary to you?” opens the Facebook post detailing the incident

A three-year-old girl recovering from a severe pitbull attack in which she lost an eye was reportedly asked to leave a KFC restaurant because her appearance was ‘scaring other customers’.

The family of Victoria Wilcher made their complaint public through a post on the ‘Victoria’s Victories’ Facebook page, which was set up to chronicle the youngster’s recovery.

“Does this face look scary to you?” the post reads, alongside an image of Victoria.“Last week at KFC in Jackson MS this precious face was asked to leave because her face scared the other diners.”

KFC spokesman Rick Maynard said the company had launched an investigation into the incident. “We take this very seriously, as we have zero tolerance for any kind of hurtful or disrespectful actions toward our guests,” he said.

“Our investigation is ongoing, but we have been in touch with the family and are committed to doing something appropriate for this beautiful little girl and her family.” The company also responded directly through Facebook with a comment underneath the family’s post.

Victoria, from Mississippi, was savagely attacked by three pit bulls which dragged her from her grandfather’s trailer in April.

As well as losing an eye, her upper and lower jaw, nose and cheek bones were broken in the attack, her family said in a Facebook post. As a result she has lost the ability to move the right side of her face.

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