An artist created Donald Trump piñatas for Mexicans to beat up on

'Donald Trump should not promote racism against Mexicans or Latinos in America.'

Justin Carissimo
Monday 22 June 2015 17:22 BST
(Dalton Javier Avalos Ramirez/Facebook)

Artist Dalton Javier Avalos Ramirez created a piñata of Donald Trump for fellow Mexicans to take their frustrations out on.

Mr “Piñateria” Ramirez told The Independent that he created Mr Trump’s paper-mâché and cardboard look-a-like in one day and was inspired by his controversial presidential campaign announcement speech.

“They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime,” Mr Trump said in at Trump Tower in New York City. “They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”

The craftsman, from Reynosa in Mexico's Tamaulipas state, said that the piñatas provide an outlet for Mexicans to vent their frustrations at Mr Trump’s controversial portrayal of Mexicans.

"It was a way of expressing disagreement of what he said about us Mexicans," the artist said. "Donald Trump should not promote racism against Mexicans or Latinos in America."


Mr Trump also said that he'd plan on creating a Berlin Wall-type all in America to prevent illegal immigrants from migrating to the US.

The figure will come in a variety of sizes and the artist's shop has received more than 10 orders since its unveiling on Friday afternoon.

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