Super-efficient six-year-old girl finds ingenious way to outsmart punishment

Isabella Collier, 6, devised a quick solution to what could have been a boring time

Kate Ng
Saturday 16 January 2016 12:44 GMT
Six-year-old Isabella Collier's quick solution to a boring punishment
Six-year-old Isabella Collier's quick solution to a boring punishment (Imgur)

Writing lines is a long and boring method of punishment, but one six-year-old girl devised a way to end it quicker.

Isabella Collier, 6, was told to write the line ‘I will make better choices’ a number of times as punishment for getting in trouble at school.

According to the Huffington Post, Isabella’s mother, Victoria Collier, had been hoping to teach her a lesson.

Isabella obviously took the line she was told to write to heart, making the best possible choice she could make in her situation.

After writing the line out properly four times, she decided a shortcut was the better choice and drew several vertical lines straight down the page.

Then she continued the punishment by just adding the necessary dashes, shapes, and extra letters to complete the sentences.

The word ‘choices’ seemingly became warped into ‘choies’ but perhaps Isabella meant to combine the letters ‘c’ and ‘e’ to save her even more time.

A friend of Ms Collier’s posted a picture of the sheet on Reddit and image-sharing site Imgur, where impressed users viewed it over 1.7 million times.

Noe Arellano posted the picture with the caption: “My friend’s kid is going places.”

Ms Collier told the Huffington Post she was more than impressed with her daughter’s ingenuity and efficiency.

“Efficiency is a value I admire and this was truly her way of getting it done,” she said.

Ms Collier said Isabella’s “free spirit” and inquisitive nature means their home is “never boring”.

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