These are David Cameron's five most awkward interviews

Following the Prime Minister’s car-crash interview with Jon Snow, we take a look back at David Cameron’s most awkward interviews

Ryan Ramgobin
Wednesday 07 October 2015 12:40 BST
David Cameron's most awkward interviews

David Cameron’s attempt to defend a “squalid” deal with Saudi Arabia during an interview with Channel 4’s Jon Snow is not the first time where the Prime Minister has endured an embarrassing interview.

From his time as Leader of the Opposition to now as Prime Minister, Mr Cameron has repeatedly found a way of making an interview awkward.

Jon Snow had to ask the PM four times before he responded to questions about the Saudi deal
Jon Snow had to ask the PM four times before he responded to questions about the Saudi deal (Channel 4, via YouTube)

In July 2009, Absolute Radio host Christian O’Connell asked then Leader of the Opposition if he used Twitter.

Mr Cameron replied, “the trouble with Twitter, the instantness of it – I think too many tweets might make a tw*t.”

The Conservative leader later apologised saying, “you always have to be careful what you say. If I’ve caused any offence, I obviously regret that.”

Mr Cameron eventually got over his reservations regarding Twitter as he signed up six months after the interview in January 2010.

In April 2010, Mr Cameron participated in an interview with Gay Times magazine, but repeatedly hesitated, eventually asking if the interview could be stopped. The footage above shows the Conservative leader was clearly unaware of equality legislation.

In October 2013, Mr Cameron was challenged on LBC by Nick Ferrari about how much a loaf of bread costs, to which the Prime Minister responded: "I don't buy the value sliced loaf, I've got a breadmaker at home which I delight in using and it turns out in all sorts of different ways. But you can buy a loaf in the supermarket for well north of a pound.”

After being told it costs 47p; Mr Cameron attempts to justify his ignorance by speaking about his children’s diets, granary bread and flour.

"It takes 30 seconds to put in the ingredients… I'd recommend the Panasonic. There you are, that's a shameless plug. Very easy - even Nick Ferrari could work a Panasonic bread maker."

In April 2015, moments after completing an interview on ITV’s This Morning, but still on set, Mr Cameron jokingly compared Alex Salmond to a pickpocket.

Presenter Philip Schofield told viewers “up next, a man who can pinch your wallet, your watch and even your tie without you ever noticing."

Mr Cameron is heard saying: “Who’s that, Alex Salmond?”, a quip which co-presenter Amanda Holden finds amusing.

On the same day, Mr Cameron faced questions from a group of young people on BBC Radio 1’s Live Lounge. The Prime Minister was grilled by the audience but his worst moment came when presenter Chris Smith asked if he knew how much the living wage is.

Mr Cameron replied “Well it depends on different parts of the country… I don’t have the figures in my head”.

Two weeks before what was expected to be the tightest election in a generation (turns out it wasn’t!), it seemed like a gaffe that the Prime Minister could ill-afford to make.

With another five years of David Cameron as Prime Minister, we might be adding to this list very soon.

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