MP Jo Swinson recovering after suffering a potentially fatal anaphylactic shock


Kunal Dutta
Monday 06 May 2013 09:10 BST
The Employment Minister Jo Swinson is recovering after suffering an allergic reaction
The Employment Minister Jo Swinson is recovering after suffering an allergic reaction

The Employment Minister Jo Swinson was recovering last night after suffering a potentially fatal anaphylactic shock. The 33-year-old Liberal Democrat MP, who has a peanut allergy, said her life was saved by doctors at Glasgow's Southern General Hospital who administered adrenaline shots, oxygen and steroids.

The incident was triggered after she consumed a dish containing peanuts at her home constituency in East Dunbartonshire on Saturday. An allergic reaction resulted in her struggling for breath. The MP took a dose of antihistamine but as the reaction intensified she was rushed to South General Hospital's A&E department.

Ms Swinson said on Twitter on Sunday: "Thankfully now recovered from anaphylaxis episode yesterday: huge appreciation to the fab staff at Southern General for keeping me alive."

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