Lobbyists - full related links


Tuesday 06 December 2011 16:43 GMT

Following the 6 December revelations in The Independent over Britain’s secretive lobbying system, we have compiled the following collection of related links.

9 December 2011

* Parliamentary inquiry into lobbying to call Bell Pottinger executives as witnesses
* The fightback begins: boss vows to take action against miscreant staff
* The arms company, the oligarch and the ex-PM's sister-in-law: lobby firm's Wikipedia hit list
* Chatham House: Lobbyist link with leading think tank

8 December 2011

* Bell Pottinger head launches investigation over lobbyists
* Exposed: How lobbyists put positive spin on child labour
* Kazakhstan: PR firm's plan to target Sting after gig boycott (video)
* The 'dark arts': Bell Pottinger caught rewriting its clients' Wikipedia entries
* Leaked email: Clients want answers as Bell Pottinger gears up for damage limitation
* Reaction: Lobbying company faces investigation by its own industry
* Belarus Links: Lord Bell questions money claims of senior colleague
* Pat Murtagh: We should say no to tyrants' cash

7 December 2011

* Lobbyists boasted: 'We know how to get to Vince'
* Rebekah? 'We helped choose her police station'
* Revelations: How lobbyists' tentacles spread throughout the Government
* MPs demand stronger controls to make lobbying industry accountable
* Rwanda: How dare you accuse our client of genocide
* The Palace: Furious reaction to company's claims of royal links
* Steve Richards: Now we see this industry has oversold itself
* Matthew Norman: Do unethical lobbyists feel any pain at the dirty, seedy role they play in politics?
* Leading article: Exactly what journalism should be

6 December 2011

* Caught on camera: top lobbyists boasting how they influence the PM
* The Sting: The fake 'Asimov Group' meets Bell Pottinger
* The Transcript: 'David Cameron raised it with the Chinese Prime Minister'
* We wrote Sri Lankan President's civil war speech, say lobbyists
* Vicious dictatorship which Bell Pottinger was prepared to do business with
* Oliver Wright: Vested interests are entitled to argue their case, but it must be in the open
* Andrew Grice: Plenty of talk about cracking down on lobbying – but still there's no action
* Leading article: Evidence of a lobbying industry out of control

24 November 2011
* Amol Rajan: Beat lobbyists make politicians display backers' logos

23 November 2011
* Did a libidinous Lib Dem ask lobbyists to pay his lover's way?

2 November 2011
* Diary: A free meal with a lobbyist? No such thing

22 October 2011
* Andrew Grice: Cleaning up political funding will help remove the smell of scandal

19 October 2011
* Inquiry ducks key issue: did Adam Werritty's backers profit?

19 October 2011
* Diary: Meddling Prince is up to his old tricks with Tories

18 October 2011
* Lobbying clean-up is delayed - after lobbying

17 October 2011
* Cameron faces calls to crack down on network of secretive lobbyists

17 October 2011
* Leading article: A lobbying culture that needs to be challenged

18 April 2011
* Join Clegg's 'leaders' club' – for £25,000 annual fee


The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
* thebureauinvestigates.com

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