Female Labour MP makes fresh sexual harassment claims against Kelvin Hopkins

Kerry McCarthy has revealed a series of cards and notes sent to her by Mr Hopkins

Joe Watts
Political Editor
Friday 10 November 2017 17:37 GMT
Former Shadow Culture Secretary Mr Hopkins has denied the allegations made against him
Former Shadow Culture Secretary Mr Hopkins has denied the allegations made against him (Getty)

A female Labour MP has made fresh sexual harassment allegations about under-fire backbencher Kelvin Hopkins.

Kerry McCarthy has known Mr Hopkins for more than two decades and is understood to have taken the complaint to the whip’s office a week ago.

The former frontbencher said the Luton North MP sent her a series of letters and cards commenting on her appearance, including one in which he described having a dream about her.

Asked about the claims on Friday, Labour highlighted that Mr Hopkins is already suspended and under investigation relating to allegations that he behaved inappropriately towards a young Labour activist – claims he denies.

One early note to Ms McCarthy dating back to the early 90s called her "attractive, intelligent and charming" before asking her to dispose of the card.

A second note which came soon after and included a photograph of Ms McCarthy, said: "I think this does some justice to a very pretty woman. Hope you like it. K x

"PS Dispose of this note."

Andrea Leadsom and Harriet Harman respond to sexual harassment claims in House of Commons

A postcard was sent in an envelope to Ms McCarthy's then workplace, Merrill Lynch, which included the passage: "If Linklaters employ tall blondes, does Merrill L specialise in pretty, petite brunettes?"

Another came near the end of 2015 or the beginning of 2016. It said: "Dear Kerry, Canvassed sister Lucy's home in Limbury on Sunday. She was ok but left a message.

"Strangely, I dreamt about you the following night. A nice dream."

Mr Hopkins said the new allegations coming from a fellow MP “has caused me immense personal hurt and utter dismay”, adding that he had not been made aware that there was a problem with the relationship he had with the individual.

He said that he is willing to work with any party investigation into the new claims.

The MP went on: “I do ask, on my behalf and on behalf of all other individuals and their families dealing with allegations, that these matters are dealt with by proper due process and not by unfair, humiliating one-sided trial by media.

“I am a 76 year old man and the stress this has caused me and my family is unbearable.”

Kerry McCarthy, ex-shadow environment secretary 

 Kerry McCarthy, ex-shadow environment secretary 

Mr Hopkins has already been suspended from Labour in relation to claims made by 27-year-old Ava Etemadzadeh.

He has accepted that he sent her a message in 2015 in which he described her as “charming and sweet natured”.

Mr Hopkins added in the message: “A nice young man would be lucky to have you as a girlfriend and lover...Were I to be young...but I am not...”

Ms Etemadzadeh said she first met the MP in 2013 after inviting him to speak at an event at Essex University, where she was chair of the Labour society. She was 24-years-old at the time.

After the event, Mr Hopkins is claimed to have rubbed his crotch against Ms Etemadzadeh. The MP has “absolutely and categorically” denied the allegation.

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