EU referendum: Jeremy Corbyn makes last minute plea to young people who aren't registered to vote

'I hope young people will take the advantage of using a smartphone or a computer and getting their names on the register to be able to take part in what will be a very important decision'

Ashley Cowburn
Tuesday 07 June 2016 11:30 BST
The Labour leader has urged voters to sign up before the end of the day
The Labour leader has urged voters to sign up before the end of the day (AP)

Jeremy Corbyn has made a last minute plea to young people urging them to register for a vote in upcoming EU referendum.

The Labour leader urged voters to sign up before the end of the day and specifically appealed to younger people to take advantage of their smartphones.

He said: “Today is the last day to register to vote in the referendum and I urge anyone who is listening or watching us today to just remember they have a chance to register today - they can do it online, it means they will be able to vote and take part.

“Many young people are still not registered. I hope they will take the advantage of using a smartphone or a computer and getting their names on the register to be able to take part in what will be a very important decision."

Mr Corbyn was accompanied by his deputy, Tom Watson, and shadow business secretary Angela Eagle. The trio, joined by young activists, were on London's Southbank to unveil a new poster from the Labour In For Britain campaign to remain in the EU.

Split down the middle, the left-hand side of the poster lists workers' rights such as paid holiday and maternity leave under an "In Europe" heading. On the right, the list is crumpled up – a dire warning of what Labour believes could happen to these rights if Britain leaves the EU.

His call to younger voters comes as David Cameron issued a plea to Independent readers to make sure they have registered to vote as three new polls suggested that momentum is moving towards Britain’s exit from the European Union.

The Prime Minister told The Independent: “For many people this will be one of the most important choices they make.

“This is a vote about the future of the country. This vote will determine the sort of economy young people grow up in, the sort of opportunities that our children and grandchildren have.

“This is bigger than any one politician why is why I urge everyone to go out and register so they can have their say.”

Figures from the Electoral Commission show that since May over 1.35 million people have applied to register to vote online of which 763,183 were under the age of 34 – those most likely to support a remain vote

The EU referendum debate has so far been characterised by bias, distortion and exaggeration. So until 23 June we we’re running a series of question and answer features that explain the most important issues in a detailed, dispassionate way to help inform your decision.

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