Giant ‘Get Mogg Out’ message appears on hill near Tory MP’s home

Call to voters in town of Midsomer Norton emerges as MP conspicuous by his absence

Andy Gregory
Wednesday 04 December 2019 13:43 GMT
A message urging voters to unseat Jacob Rees-Mogg has been scrawled on a scrag heap in his constituency
A message urging voters to unseat Jacob Rees-Mogg has been scrawled on a scrag heap in his constituency (Simon Boraston)

A giant message declaring “Get Mogg Out” has appeared on a slag heap near Jacob Rees-Mogg’s home.

The words were written in huge letters on a pile of industrial waste in the Leader of the House of Commons’ North East Somerset constituency.

“Mogg is trying to muster up votes in NE Somerset to keep him in his day job. The people of NE Somerset are climbing slag heaps and trying to stop him,” said Simon Boraston, who photographed the message, and denied it was his handiwork.

The white letters were spotted on 17 November on the edge of Midsomer Norton, but have since been washed away by rain, according to Mr Boraston.

Mr Rees-Mogg won the vote in North East Somerset by more than 10,000 ballots in 2017, marginally increasing his share of the vote from the previous election.

The Tory MP has been conspicuous by his absence during the general election campaign, and appeared to be the only cabinet member not in attendance at the Conservative manifesto launch.

Whether by choice, chance or command, Mr Rees-Mogg has barely been seen since he suggested to LBC’s Nick Ferrari that Grenfell victims did not use “common sense” in following official advice to stay put.

The remarks prompted calls for his resignation and widespread fury, with Stormzy branding the Tory MP “an actual piece of shit”.

He resurfaced on Monday, publishing a Matt Hancock-esque campaign video of himself campaigning by ancient standing stones.

From behind a vast blue rosette, he said: “I’m here by the standing stones in Stanton Drew, thought to be 4,500 years old some of the most important stones in this country, and I want to get the common market out of Stanton Drew.”

Possibly inspired by the slag heap message, which according to The Express left Brexiteers “fuming”, pro-EU campaigners are delivering “Get Mogg Out” posters to homes across the constituency.

But despite their efforts and the MP’s sizeable absence, Yougov’s poll on 28 November suggested Mr Rees-Mogg was on course to win with between 54 per cent and a low of 39 per cent of the vote.

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