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Election Highlights of the Day: 28/04/10

Kevin Rawlinson,Billy Kenber
Wednesday 28 April 2010 00:00 BST

Difficult conversation of the day

After "megastar" Peppa Pig was stopped from appearing at a Labour Party mini-manifesto launch by her licensing company, Children's Secretary Ed Balls said: "Peppa did tell me that not only is she a supporter of universal Sure Start but would be quite worried if George Pig lost his child trust fund." Wouldn't want to have to break the news to him.

Insightful quote of the day

In case The Sun's screaming front-page headline, mocked up half-Clegg-half-Gordon-face and hysterical copy didn't get the message across, The thoughts of Becky (26, from London) might help. She's concerned by the prospect of a hung parliament. "In legislatures with proportional representation, coalition government is often the norm," she explains. "I'd hate to live in a country like Italy that has had 61 governments in 65 years – even if I do love Italian food."

Own goal of the day

It's with particular relish that Murdoch's organ puts the boot into Lib Dem plans to allow anyone under the age of consent to watch and appear in porn films. But they failed to consult Becky from London on the issue.

Photo of the day

Labour candidate Luke Pollard thought he'd nailed a photo-op when he snapped a picture of himself with members of a cross-party campaign, including his Tory counterpart. So he must be disappointed that the very same picture is now appearing as Tory election material, minus Mr Pollard.

Wandering fingers of the day

Sally Bercow is finding out the hard way how dangerous ill-thought-out tweets can be. The speaker's wife, a Labour Party member, was quick to delete the update reading: "Been heckled by a couple of smackheads in a stairwell." Not quick enough, though.

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