Downing Street's cat Larry makes first kill


Gavin Cordon
Tuesday 28 August 2012 14:04 BST
Larry the Downing Street cat
Larry the Downing Street cat (PA)

While David Cameron is on holiday in Cornwall, Larry the Downing Street cat has at last been earning his keep.

The five-year-old feline brought in last year to help curb the mouse problem at No 10 has finally recorded a kill.

"I can confirm that the cat did kill a mouse this morning," a Downing Street spokeswoman said.

Larry's apparently lackadaisical approach to his mousing duties since his arrival from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home had led to speculation that his days at No 10 could be numbered.

However his success today may be enough to secure him a reprieve.

It was particularly apt, coming on a day when one of Mr Cameron's senior MPs was publicly questioning whether he was "man or mouse".

The No 10 spokeswoman quipped: "The only dead mouse in Downing Street is the one Larry caught this morning."


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