David Cameron says he names birds after Boris Johnson before shooting them

‘I find that when I shoot a few Borises and Michaels I feel a whole lot better’

Samuel Osborne
Sunday 22 January 2017 15:19 GMT
Boris Johnson joining the Leave campaign reportedly remains a sore point for Mr Cameron
Boris Johnson joining the Leave campaign reportedly remains a sore point for Mr Cameron (Getty)

Former Prime Minister David Cameron has said he names birds after Boris Johnson and Michael Gove before shooting them.

Mr Cameron, a keen game shooter, has revealed he relishes imagining the pheasants he shoots are named “Boris” or “Michael”, the Mail on Sunday reports.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Mr Cameron was asked how he fills his days having left No 10. He replied: “I have used the extra time to take up shooting again.

“I find that when I shoot a few Borises and Michaels I feel a whole lot better.”

What will David Cameron do next?

Mr Cameron is said to remain bitter at the way the pair “betrayed” him during the EU referendum, as he believed both men would remain loyal to him.

Instead, they emerged as key Leave campaigners.

The former Tory leader was forced to suspend his country sports when he became Prime Minister, which included deer-stalking and fox-hunting, for fear of courting controversy.

Since leaving Downing Street, he has reportedly been shooting twice, taking part in a shoot at the Salperton estate in Gloucestershire last month.

In his Davos speech, Mr Cameron added that despite giving up frontline politics, he was “still fully wedded to public service” and joked “in the meantime I’m available for weddings and bar mitzvahs”.

The news comes after Conservative MP Jake Berry claimed Mr Cameron had someone to cut the crusts off his toast during a Tory Party getaway.

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