Comedian Jeremy Hardy under fire after suggesting Labour supporters of Trident are mentally ill

'Today is Chronic Humourlessness Disorder Awareness Day. Please take it seriously'

Andrew Grice
Thursday 10 March 2016 18:51 GMT
Jeremy Hardy’s joke was said to be aimed at Kevan Jones
Jeremy Hardy’s joke was said to be aimed at Kevan Jones (Getty)

A comedian speaking at a rally in support of Jeremy Corbyn came under fire after suggesting that Labour supporters of Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons system are mentally ill.

Jeremy Hardy told a “JC4PM” event in Edinburgh: “I would have thought you could hazard a guess that if someone supports nuclear weapons, if your view of existence is so bleak you’re prepared to help with the extermination of the entire northern hemisphere, that kind of suggests depression, don’t you?”

His joke was seen as a reference to Kevan Jones, who resigned as a Labour defence spokesman in January after a row over his pro-Trident stance. The North Durham MP, who was diagnosed with clinical depression in 1996, clashed with Corbyn allies including Ken Livingstone, who apologised for suggesting Mr Jones “might need some psychiatric help.”

Labour MPs condemned the comedian. Luciana Berger, the shadow Minister for Mental Health, said: “We must not tolerate comments like those used by Jeremy Hardy which only serve to reinforce the gap in understanding and undermine the good work being done to tackle the taboo that still surrounds mental health.”

John Woodock, who chairs Labour’s backbench defence committee, urged Mr Corbyn to disown the remark as unacceptable. He said: “It’s really sad that a man who makes a big show of claiming to be left-wing and morally superior over all the people he denounces thinks it’s fine to make a joke about a particular individual’s mental health condition in the name of wanting to make Jeremy Corbyn prime minister.“

Hardy stood by his joke, tweeting: ”Today is Chronic Humourlessness Disorder Awareness Day. Please take it seriously.” A spokesman for Mr Corbyn insisted that the “JC4PM” tour is not endorsed by Labour.

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