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Brexit vote: MPs vote by 308-297 to defeat Theresa May and accept Grieve amendment

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Wednesday 09 January 2019 16:50 GMT
MPs vote by 308-297 to defeat Theresa May and accept Grieve amendment

Angry Brexiteers have attacked John Bercow for allowing MPs to vote on a controversial bid that forces Theresa May to produce a plan B within three days if her Brexit deal is rejected.

The cross-party Grieve amendment – passed by 308 votes to 297 – demands the government outline its next steps within three days if Ms May’s deal is defeated, rather than the 21 days plus seven sitting days currently permitted.

It follows an embarrassing defeat for the prime minister on Tuesday, after her government became the first since 1978 to lose a vote on the Finance Bill as MPs made a stand against a no-deal exit from the EU.

As it happened...


Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 10:29
Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 10:35

Dominic Grieve's amendment - requesting the prime minister to reveal her plan B earlier than previously expected - has been selected by the Commons speaker, John Bercow. Theoretically, this means MPs will vote on the motion later today. 

Bercow is expected to outline his reasoning shortly after prime minister's questions.

Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 11:02
Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 11:31

Speaker's office *finally* confirm Grieve amendment has been selected. It had already been confirmed by Dominic Grieve, the Conservative MP who tabled the motion.

It means John Bercow will put the question to MPs in the Commons around 1pm - shortly after prime minister's questions. 

Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 11:34
Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 11:54

Prime minister's questions has now started. Theresa May opens up the session by paying tribute to Paddy Ashdown - the former Lib Dem leader who died over the Christmas recess. 

She condemns threats of violence and intimidation against politicians and the media in recent days on College Green.

"Politicians and the media should be able to go about their work without harassment and intimidation"

Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 12:05

Jeremy Corbyn says he agrees with the PM on intimidation against the media and MPs. He says May is bringing back exactly the same deal she delayed four weeks' ago, before the Christmas recess.

The PM says the conclusions of the European council went further than before - and she says further clarification on the backstop is possible. 

She says MPs will get a vote on whether to trigger backstop or extend the transition period if no new trade agreement is in place by 2020.

Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 12:10

Corbyn says over £4bn is being wasted on no-deal planning - something the House expressed its will against on Tuesday evening in the first defeat for a government on a Finance Bill since 1978.

He asks the PM to rule out no deal. 

Ms May says the government has negotiated a deal with the EU that protects jobs. She adds it is "absolutely sensible" for the government to plan for a no-deal scenario. 

Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 12:17

Corbyn says the PM has spent the last week "begging" the EU for changes, but nothing has been changed to the withdrawal agreement. 

He asks - naturally - for a general election. 

But May hits back, pointing out confusion in Labour's Brexit policy. “His Brexit policies are the many not the few," she says.

Ashley Cowburn9 January 2019 12:18

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