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Partygate news- live: Johnson vows to ‘set record straight’ on scandal as Tory backbench anger grows

Prime minister adds that Rishi Sunak, who was also fined, is safe in his position as chancellor

Tory MP says Boris Johnson must resign after 'breaking law he put in place'

Boris Johnson has promised to address parliament next week about his fine for breaching Covid laws and “set the record straight in any way that I can” on his previous claims that no rules were broken.

Answering questions following a speech on immigration in Kent, Mr Johnson said that Rishi Sunak - who also faced a £50 fine for attending the prime minister’s lockdown-breaching birthday party in 2020 - was safe in his position as chancellor.

Earlier another back bench Tory MP suggested Mr Johnson should resign over the Partygate scandal, saying the public is “right to expect the highest standards of behaviour from our leaders.

Karen Bradley, a former cabinet minister who represents Staffordshire Moorlands, said: “I will spend the next few days consulting my constituents and will decide on what action to take after listening to them.

“But I do wish to make it clear that if I had been a minister found to have broken the laws that I passed, I would be tendering my resignation now.”


Recap: How many parties did Boris Johnson attend and which are the Met Police investigating?

PM’s birthday party, gathering in Downing Street flat and several Christmas celebrations all part of Scotland Yard probe into lockdown rule-breaking, writes Lizzie Dearden, our home affairs editor.

Read Lizzie’s full report below:

What Downing Street parties are the Met Police investigating?

What Downing Street parties are the Met Police investigating?

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 11:00

Another MP calls for Johnson to resign

The Staffordshire Moorlands MP said in a statement to the StokeonTrentLive website: “My constituents know that I have been clear that those that make the rules must not break them, whether intentionally or otherwise. The public are right to expect the highest standards of behaviour from their leaders.

“Whilst law breaking in Downing Street is unforgivable, I am very aware that Europe is in a precarious position and that we all need to act responsibly so as to not make the situation worse.

“I will spend the next few days consulting my constituents and will decide on what action to take after listening to them.

“But I do wish to make it clear that if I had been a minister found to have broken the laws that I passed, I would be tendering my resignation now.”

Conservative former cabinet minister Karen Bradley suggested Boris Johnson should resign over the “partygate scandal”.

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 11:15

PM says he will ‘set the record’ on Covid lawbreaking next week

Boris Johnson has said he will “set the record straight” on breaking coronavirus laws when he updates MPs in the Commons next week.

After facing accusations of hypocrisy for not following the rules and allegations of lying to MPs, he told a press conference in Kent: “You are going to have to wait until I come to Parliament when of course I will set the record straight in any way that I can.”

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 11:32

Boris Johnson promises to ‘set the record straight’ on Partygate fine in parliament next week

Our politics editor Andrew Woodcock has more on this story:

PM promises to ‘set the record straight’ on Partygate fine in parliament next week

Prime minister dodges questions over whether he misled MPs with Partygate denials in House of Commons

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 11:54

More Tory MPs say Boris Johnson should go

More Conservative MPs have urged Boris Johnson to resign after he was fined for breaking lockdown rules at his illegal No 10 birthday party.

Former Cabinet minister Karen Bradley is among Tories to voice concerns about the PM’s leadership, branding Mr Johnson’s behaviour during lockdown “unforgivable”.

Our policy correspondent Jon Stone has more details below:

More Tory MPs say Boris Johnson should go

Former Cabinet minister Karen Bradley is among those to criticise the prime minister

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 12:25

Boris Johnson’s Rwanda migrant announcement is a lazy diversion tactic at best

Instead of taking ownership of his own behaviour and that of his government, the prime minister would rather stoke the fires of anti-immigration sentiment, Emma Clarke writes.

Read Emma’s full piece below:

Opinion: Boris Johnson’s Rwanda migrant announcement is a lazy diversion tactic

Instead of taking ownership of his own behaviour and that of his government, the prime minister would rather stoke the fires of anti-immigration sentiment

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 13:00

ICYMI: Johnson’s pals severely underestimate the intelligence of the British public and it shows

Social posts are a way for prime ministers to keep track of loyalty – and a lack of affirmation is often put down as a betrayal, Tom Peck writes.

Read Tom’s full piece below:

Boris’s pals severely underestimate the intelligence of the British public | Tom Peck

Social posts are a way for prime ministers to keep track of loyalty – and a lack of affirmation is often put down as a betrayal

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 13:15

Patel: PM should be respected for apologising

Home secretary Priti Patel said the prime minister should be “respected” for giving a “very thorough and fulsome apology” after being fined for breaking lockdown rules.

Asked by reporters during her visit to Rwanda whether she was disappointed that Boris Johnson had been fined for breaking the rules, she said: “The prime minister has apologised, the prime minister has paid a fine.

“I’m not going to give a running commentary on this, there’s an investigation still ongoing. But I think I just come back constantly to the fact that the prime minister has given, actually, a very thorough and fulsome apology, and he should be respected for that.”

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 13:30

ICYMI: Can Boris Johnson survive or will his party realise he is an electoral loser?

There is little room for sentimentality in the Tory party, and not much gratitude for past glories, writes Sean O’Grady.

Read Sean’s full piece here:

Can Boris Johnson survive or will his party realise he is a loser?

There is little room for sentimentality in the Tory party, and not much gratitude for past glories, writes Sean O’Grady

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 14:02

Sunak in US next week amid Partygate and green card saga

Rishi Sunak will visit the US next week for the first time since it emerged that he held a green card while chancellor and was fined for breaking Covid laws.

Mr Sunak is due to visit Washington DC from 19 April until 21 April to take part in the Spring Meetings of the IMF, his spokesperson told the HuffPost.

The meeting brings together bankers, ministers, private sector bosses and academics to discuss the global economy and politics.

Matt Mathers14 April 2022 14:24

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