'Arrogant bastard, Hitler's clone, Tory swine': The words SNP members use to describe David Cameron

Matt Dathan
Online political reporter
Saturday 17 October 2015 14:44 BST
One SNP member gave an interesting variation of 'twat' but perhaps the extra t was added for emphasis
One SNP member gave an interesting variation of 'twat' but perhaps the extra t was added for emphasis

We asked SNP members and MPs at the party's conference in Aberdeen what first came to mind when they thought of David Cameron.

Below are 10 of the best responses, plus a contribution from Alex Salmond.

1. Long-time SNP member John McKay didn't hold back from telling us exactly what he thought of Cameron:

2. When Sarah McGuinness thinks of the Prime Minister she is reminded of Adolf Hitler...

2. Her husband David McGuinness was the first of many to use pig-related insults

3. Julia Blechynden-Roe goes for a pretty standard insult

4. As does Keir Low, an 18-year-old SNP member who was named after the Labour party founder Keir Hardie

5. Stuart Donaldson, SNP MP for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine, wanted to go for something more insulting but stuck with this description for the camera:

6. Mitch Kilbride just finds him "objectionable"

7. More farmyard insults...

8. And his mate just copied him:

One SNP member gave an interesting variation of 'twat' but perhaps the extra t was added for emphasis
One SNP member gave an interesting variation of 'twat' but perhaps the extra t was added for emphasis

9. This was all he could come up with when forced to think for himself:

10. This guy, who sells his own Scottish independence stickers, is way too philosophical for a whiteboard:

We then asked Scotland's former First Minister Alex Salmond what sprung to mind when presented with a picture of this:

File: David Cameron offers a toast during a State Dinner in his honour March 14, 2012
File: David Cameron offers a toast during a State Dinner in his honour March 14, 2012 (AFP/Getty Images)

This was Salmond's answer:

Just in case you can't read his terrible handwriting, it says: "It's probably vodka not water."

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