Lambeth Bridge bus explosion: 7/7 victim's father labels film stunt 'insensitive'

'I know a lot of the families, of other victims and survivors, would be upset by this'

Alexandra Sims
Monday 08 February 2016 08:08 GMT
A bus after it exploded on Lambeth Bridge in London during filming for Jackie Chan's new film The Foreigner.
A bus after it exploded on Lambeth Bridge in London during filming for Jackie Chan's new film The Foreigner. (PA)

The father of a victim of the 7/7 terrorist attacks has criticised an “insensitive” film stunt, which saw a bus blown up on a bridge in central London.

John Taylor, whose 24-year-old daughter was killed at Aldgate Station on 7 July 2005, said more information should have been provided about the controlled explosion.

Mr Taylor, who works at the Tate Gallery, just yards away from where the stunt took place on Lambeth Bridge, said it was not made clear beforehand a London bus would be part of the shoot.

A bus after it exploded on Lambeth Bridge in London during filming for Jackie Chan's new film The Foreigner PA
A bus after it exploded on Lambeth Bridge in London during filming for Jackie Chan's new film The Foreigner PA (PA)

He told the Mirror: “You can totally understand why some people would be alarmed seeing this today. Fair enough there is filming that goes on in the city but this seems particularly insensitive.

“I know a lot of the families, of other victims and survivors, would be upset by this. Perhaps it wasn’t thought through as much as it should have been.”

A number of people were left shocked after the blast on Lambeth Bridge sent flames high into the air, with many fearing a terrorist attack.

Some noted the detonated double decker bus bore an uncomfortable resemblance to the number 30 bus, which was destroyed by a suicide bomber in Tavistock Square on 7 July 2005, killing 13 passengers plus the 18-year-old bomber, Hasib Hussain.

Witness, Sophie Kinsella, said over Twitter: “Hey film types next time you blow up a bus on Lambeth Bridge maybe tell us first so children in park aren’t freaked?”

Steve Cathutch wrote: “So with the country on terrorist alert who thought blowing up a bus on Lambeth Bridge for a film was a good idea?”

The National Police Air Service also expressed surprise at the explosion: “Noticed this on Lambeth Bridge as we passed. Got v [sic] worried until we realised they were filming! #theforeigner.”

TfL officials had placed boards at the entry to the bridge, but did not mention an explosion.

The stunt was part of the forthcoming action film, The Foreigner, starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan.

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