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Two guilty of vigilante arson

Thursday 03 September 2009 15:33 BST

Two teenagers today admitted setting fire to the home of someone they thought was a paedophile.

Brendon Kinney, 18, and 17-year-old Colleen Furr carried out the attack last April after hearing rumours the semi-detached house belonged to a paedophile.

In fact, the house in Aspley, Nottingham, belonged to Lisa Holmes and had nothing to do with anybody who had been convicted of child sex offences.

The attack happened when Kinney broke a kitchen window to the house with a brick before Furr opened a bottle of white spirit left on the window sill and poured half the bottle in to the property.

Kinney then ignited the white spirit with a lighter.

At Nottingham Crown Court today, Kinney and Furr admitted one charge of arson with intent to endanger life and damage property.

Granting them bail until they are sentenced, Mr Justice Saunders told the pair: "I am not giving you any impression that there will be anything other than a custodial sentence."

Kinney, of Minver Crescent, Nottingham, and Furr, of Dulvaton Vale, Nottingham, will be sentenced on September 25 at Nottingham Crown Court.

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