Hackney police attack: Officer assaulted in street in ‘sickening’ London incident

Video footage of assault ‘truly stomach churning’ and ‘horrific’ to watch, says head of Police Federation

Chiara Giordano
Thursday 11 June 2020 09:24 BST
Still image taken from video footage showing an assault on two police officers in Hackney, London, 10 June 2020.
Still image taken from video footage showing an assault on two police officers in Hackney, London, 10 June 2020. (Twitter/screengrab/Antifa Public Watch APW)

A “sickening and disgraceful attack” on police officers who stopped to help an apparent assault victim has been condemned by the home secretary and police chiefs.

Video footage on social media shows one uniformed officer pinned to the ground by a man while several others, including one who appears to be brandishing a baseball bat, surround the pair swearing and filming on their phones, with one even taking a selfie during the assault.

The recording shows kicks being aimed at the officer lying on the pavement, while his female colleague is pushed as she screams at the group to get back.

Both officers suffered minor injuries in the incident, in Frampton Park Road, Hackney, east London, at about 3.30pm on Wednesday, Scotland Yard said.

A Metropolitan Police spokeswoman said two men, aged 20 and 38, have been arrested on suspicion of assaulting police. They remain in custody in an east London police station.

The officers had been flagged down by a member of the public who said they had been attacked and pointed them towards the suspects, a spokeswoman added.

Home secretary Priti Patel condemned the incident as “sickening, shocking and disgraceful”.

She added in a tweet: “My thoughts are with the outstanding @metpoliceuk officers who were subject to this disgusting violent attack.”

John Apter, chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, who said he raised the incident with Ms Patel, described the video of the assault as “truly stomach churning” and “horrific to watch”.

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “What is without doubt is that those officers were at serious risk and the bravery shown by the officers and the fear they must have felt is why I’ve gone so publicly.”

Mr Apter added: “I’ve got mixed feelings on things getting videoed … I accept that we have to manage our own risks but when people are in trouble then I think as a citizen we should step forward.

“My colleagues are good people. I accept there will be occasions where we don’t get it right, but the vast majority are good people trying to do a difficult job.”

The Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers, said attacks on officers seem to be increasing, adding: “Yet again this starkly shows the dangers @metpoliceuk face and the bravery they show each and every day keeping Londoners safe.”

Chairman Ken Marsh said: “We are not society’s punchbags. We have families we want to go home to at the end of every shift. But the dangers are stark. And seemingly escalating.”

Superintendent Martin Rolston added: “This incident, which was captured on someone’s mobile phone, is truly shocking.

“My officers went to the assistance of a member of the public – who asked for their help – after stating that they had been assaulted. What happened next is a reminder of the risks our officers take whilst going about their duties.

“It is fortunate that their injuries are not more serious. There is no place for this level of violence on our streets.”

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said he “utterly condemns” the “disgraceful attack”, adding: “Attacks on our police will not be tolerated.

“I urge anyone with information to come forward to ensure the perpetrators of this disgusting attack feel the full force of the law.”

Additional reporting by PA

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