Forensic archaeologists to use radar in attempt to find body of man killed by IRA

Brendan Megraw was abducted in Belfast 36 years ago

Lewis Smith
Friday 22 August 2014 20:20 BST
(Flickr/bea y fredi)

Forensic archaeologists are to use ground-penetrating radar to try to pinpoint the body of a man killed by the IRA 36 years ago.

Brendan Megraw was abducted in Belfast in 1978 and was one of the 16 IRA murder victims who became known as “The Disappeared”.

Work to investigate a stretch of bog in Oristown, County Meath, is to start next week by the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains (ICLVR).

Four hectares of the bog have been investigated previously without success, the last search taking place in 2010. This year a further 2.5 hectares will be checked for signs of Mr Megraw's body.

Geoff Knupfer, the senior forensic investigator, said the chances of success were “not enormous” but said the information received by ICLVR made the search worthwhile.

“We will carry out an initial survey of ground that is on the site where we think Brendan could be buried, but has not previously been analysed,” he told Good Morning Ulster.

“This will involve a team of forensic archaeologists using ground-penetrating radar to try to identify anomalies beneath the surface that may warrant further investigation and a fresh search.”

Mr Megraw's brother, Kieran, said: “You're thankful that information has come in. But you have to temper your expectation and hope.”

The ICLVR was set up to find the remains of The Disappeared. Information passed to it cannot be used in criminal proceedings.

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