Steve Forbes: Scottish Independence will inspire 'chaos, terrorism and aggression'

The Forbes businessman says we should not underestimate the potential devastating impact a split could have

Ella Alexander
Thursday 18 September 2014 16:42 BST

Steve Forbes has suggested that Scottish Independence could lead to international terrorism.

The chairman of Forbes media and editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine says that the results of today’s referendum have “ramifications that go far beyond the specific futures of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland”.

“It is no exaggeration to say that it will fundamentally affect the course of Europe, the US and, indeed, Western civilisation,” he said.

If Scotland is to split from the Union and “Great Britain, which is still seen as the epicentre of democracy and the rule of law, can’t hold itself together, then the message will be that no one can”, he dramatically claims, before adding that the break-up would give confidence to global separatists.

“We are in one of those dangerous periods of history when things can go terribly wrong,” he told The Telegraph. “The break-up of Great Britain would encourage all the forces of chaos, terrorism and aggression and set a terrible precedent.

He went onto describe the negative consequences a split will have on the economy.

“Both Scotland and the remnants of the UK will be poorer,” he said. “Capital will flee Scotland. London will get hit as well. Who wants to keep capital in a country that is experiencing such far-reaching political turbulence? The shock of this alone would be felt for many years to come. And no one should underestimate the difficulties involved in the economic divorce of two entities that have been tied together for more than 300 years.”

Scottish voters decide today whether to remain part of the United Kingdom.

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