Sky News presenter accidentally calls Jeremy Hunt C-word when reporting on Junior Doctors decision

Thomas Moore joins a list of reporters who have made the same blunder

Olivia Blair
Thursday 29 September 2016 09:55 BST
Sky News reporter calls Jeremy Hunt the c-word

A Sky News reporter has joined the growing catalogue of presenters who have made the unfortunate slip of the tongue when referring to the Health secretary Jeremy Hunt.

Sky News health and science correspondent Thomas Moore was presenting a segment on the junior doctors losing their high-court challenge over the planned seven-day NHS contract when he accidentally replaced the 'H' in the government minister's surname with 'C'.

After saying the expletive, Moore immediately corrected himself and became slightly flustered before carrying on like a professional.

However, that did not stop several viewers on Twitter picking up on it:

(Screengrab/Twitter (Screengrab/Twitter)
(Screengrab/Twitter (Screengrab/Twitter)

Moore need not worry as he is certainly not the first presenter to make the blunder. In October, his former colleague Mark Longhurst made the same error when reviewing the papers. News of his slip-up spread even further when the actor Ricky Gervais filmed himself rewinding and watching the mistake before turning the camera to his dead-pan face.

Most famously, the veteran broadcaster Jim Naughtie uttered the swear word when presenting Radio 4’s Today programme in 2011. After mixing up his words trying referring to the “culture secretary Jeremy Hunt”, he then spent the next few minutes trying to stifle his laughter.

A representative for Sky News did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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