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Service appointments

Saturday 20 November 1993 00:02 GMT

Air Chief Marshal Sir John Thomson KCB CBE AFC, to be Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces North West Europe, 1 July 1994.


Captains: B. Leighton - Staff of 2SL/ CINCNAVHOME; SA Locke - Ordnance Board.

Commanders: RT Dore - Centurion; CR Thorpe - Coventry; SR Wilkinson - MOD London.

Surgeon Commander (D): MW Weston - Invincible.

Major: H. De Jager - JACIG.

Retirements: Commodore NJ Barter; Commander S. Radley; Chaplain TW Harris.


Colonels: PC Cook - to MOD; SWJ Saunders - to BDLS/MA Canberra.

Lieutenant-Colonels: CM Eastland R Signals - to MOD; MJ Hampson RA - to HQ DRA; RPM Rendall RLC - to MOD; RE Tolan RLC - to MOD; TN Tyler Reme - to MOD; JDV Wooley QRL - to HQ EPISKOPI Gar; JRW Pullinger Para - to MOD.

Retirements: MK Carson Late R Signals; RC Deacon Late RAMC.


Air Commodore: JB Symonds - to HQ RAFSC.

Group Captains: SG Dorward - to HQ RAFSC; ICH Dick - to ICAOC Sembach; DG Hawkins - to MOD.

Wing Commanders: AM Gordon - to RAF Shawbury; RJ Woodroffe - to D of R&S (RAF).

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