Sacha Baron Cohen and Isla Fisher 'donate £670,000 to Syrian children'

The money will be to help prevent further measles outbreak in the country

Press Association
Sunday 27 December 2015 11:05 GMT
The couple's donations will reportedly go towards vaccines
The couple's donations will reportedly go towards vaccines (Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen and his wife actress Isla Fisher have donated more than £670,000 to charity, it has been reported.

The couple have given 500,000 dollars (£336,000) to The Sunday Times Christmas appeal to help protect 250,000 children against a threatened measles outbreak in Syria, the newspaper said.

Their donation will go towards vaccinations administered by Save the Children.

Baron Cohen, 44, and Fisher, 39 are also giving a separate sum of 500,000 dollars which is for the New York-based International Rescue Committee which is run by former foreign secretary David Miliband, The Sunday Times reported.

Baron Cohen is known for creating characters including Borat and Ali G, while Fisher has appeared in Australian soap Home and Away and films including Wedding Crashers.

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