My Secret Life: Stuart Broad

Cricketer, 24

Saturday 20 November 2010 01:00 GMT
(Kalpesh Lathigra)

My parents were ... My dad was an England cricketer and my mum was a school teacher.

The house I grew up in ... was by a windmill, in the village of Whissendine, Rutland.

When I was a child I wanted to ... I always just wanted to achieve, to aim as high as I could. And I've always loved sports – it's where I'm at my happiest.

If I could change one thing about myself ... Although I hit my head on door frames, I do quite like my height [6ft 6in], so I wouldn't change that. I'd like to be able to survive on just five hours' sleep a night, though.

You wouldn't know it but I'm very good at ... playing [the computer game] Fifa 2011.

You may not know it but I'm no good at ... dancing.

At night I dream of ... I can never remember! I don't think I've ever had a nightmare, so I guess it's a good thing.

What I see when I look in the mirror ... I see my chest, as I'm too tall for most mirrors!

I wish I'd never worn ... I'm pretty sportsmanlike in my outfits, or it's just jeans and hoodies.

My favourite item of clothing ... is my England blazer.

It's not fashionable but I like ... cooking. My signature dish would be lasagne or spag bol – but I'll have a go at anything you can throw at me.

I drive ... a Jaguar XKR, a Range Rover Sport.

My house is ... very homely, in a 24-year-old sort of a way. I've got lots of gadgets and electronics – I do enjoy my iPad and my Sky 3D – but I'll also have a nice fire in a room so it's cosy. I've got a little room especially for the Xbox, too.

My favourite work of art ... I can't remember who it's by, but my grandmother bought it for me from New Zealand, which is where my sister was born. It's abstract, and the colours change in different lights.

My favourite building ... is Lord's Pavilion.

My secret crush is ... Britney Spears in the "Hit Me Baby, One More Time" video.

Movie heaven ... Dumb and Dumber if I'm with mates, The Shawshank Redemption if I'm being more serious. I like Guy Ritchie's films too: Snatch and Lock Stock....

A book that changed me ... I've never been an avid reader, to be brutally honest. But when we're travelling around the world, I read about wars in different countries to give me a perspective on them, and on the heroes who come back home from fighting there. 3 Para by Patrick Bishop was particularly good.

The last album I bought/downloaded ... The Script's new album.

My greatest regret ... I don't really have regrets – you can always move on and learn something. That's what I try to do, anyway.

The person who really makes me laugh ... is Ricky Gervais. I like everything he's done; my favourite is probably The Office but his stand-up is also really funny.

The last time I cried ... I'm not really a big crier. So it was probably July, when my stepmum died of motor neurone disease.

My five-year plan ... I've always had a big belief that I've got to aim as high as I can – so I'm definitely aiming to win the Ashes in Australia this year.

What's the point? To enjoy yourself, and achieve as much as you can. I enjoy waking up every single day.

My life in six words ... I'm privileged and proud to represent my country – that's probably more than six words though, isn't it?

A life in brief

Stuart Broad was born in 1986. His father was cricketer Chris Broad, and Stuart followed in his footsteps. He began as a batsman, before a growth spurt at 17 led him to try bowling. He made his One-Day International debut in 2006 and in 2008, made his Test debut. Broad played a central role in last year's Ashes triumph, and is currently in Australia for the Ashes tour. Broad is taking part in Disney XD's Aim High Ashes vodcast; put your questions to him at

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