Madonna stokes controversy with romantic Instagram post showing Jewish and Muslim men about to kiss
The Queen of Pop posted the picture to make a statement about love

Madonna has posted yet another edgy Instagram picture.
Instead of uploading a picture of herself snogging the living daylights out of Drake or a drawing of a woman being spanked, the singer added to the debate around the Israel-Palestine conflict.
The picture shows a Jewish man kissing a Muslim man, captioned with a heart emoji and the hashtag #rebelhearts.
Debate raged between people who believed the photograph was incompatible with their faith, and those who argued it was a positive message of love.
Getting into a heated debate, one fan posited the argument that "Islam doesn't support homosexuality and if someone doesn't like that then they don't have to be Muslim. Its that's simple."
However, others believed this was narrow-minded. Another commenter wrote: "If this pic portraying love between two human beings is 'causing a commotion'....YOU PEOPLE HAVE TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS. GET A LIFE!!! IT'S LOVE, IT'S HUMAN."
A further commenter added: "I don't understand all the ppl here say it's not possible I'm Jewish from Israel my boyfriend is Arab Muslim and we live together for 3 years now!"
In the summer of 2014, rockets were fired between Israel and Palestinian territory in Gaza. 2,100 Palestinians and 73 Israelis were killed during the conflict.
This isn't Madonna's first encounter with Instagram controversy. She previously posted a picture of Margaret Thatcher with the caption #rebelheart, which she later deleted after fans complained.