Kris Jenner talks about Caitlyn Jenner's transition for first time since Vanity Fair cover

The head of the Kardashian empire has spoken out about her 'passive-aggressive' marriage, but supported Caitlyn for following her dream

Chris Mandle
Friday 26 June 2015 15:31 BST
Kris Jenner
Kris Jenner

Since debuting on the cover of Vanity Fair last month, Caitlyn Jenner has been inundated with support from prominent figures like Lady Gaga, Demi Moore and Barack Obama.

And now Kris Jenner, Kardashian empress and ex-wife to Caitlyn, has told reporters she is a big fan of the iconic Annie Leibovitz-shot cover, describing it as “beautiful”.

Speaking to Extra at Cannes this week, Jenner, who has only just seen the piece despite being interviewed as part of the profile on Caitlyn, said “I think it’s amazing.

“I think that someone following their dream is truly inspirational to a lot of people … you have to do what makes you happy.”

Jenner’s support come after she discusses the hardships involved in being married to someone with gender dysphoria in the magazine.

She tells author Buzz Bissinger that the end of their marriage was “the most passive-aggressive thing I think I’ve ever experienced.”

She added that she wished Caitlyn had told her about the issue before, saying: “Why would you want to be married and have kids if this is what you wanted since you were a little boy? Why would you not explain this to me?”

Caitlyn, however, has spoken about the good times shared between the pair during their 23 year marriage. She tweeted: “Reading the VF article reminded me of the love and good times Kris and I shared for so many years. Wouldn't trade that time for anything!”

The rest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan have been hugely supportive of Caitlyn. Step-daughter Kim told Entertainment Tonight ““I actually went to the shoot, and that was my first time meeting Caitlyn. She’s beautiful, and I’m so proud that she can just be her authentic self. I guess that’s what life is about.”

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