Justin Bieber offered $1m to be the 'face' of sex toy company Clone-A-Willy

The company say it would do wonders for the singer's profile

Chris Mandle
Saturday 24 October 2015 09:09 BST
(Getty Images)

Justin Bieber has been offered $1m to endorse a brand of sex toys.

US-based company Clone-A-Willy wrote to Bieber’s commercial agent with the opportunity after the naked photos of the singer went viral last month.

Bieber said he felt “super-violated” after naked photos of him walking to the balcony of his Bora Bora beach apartment were sold to a US tabloid.

The photos raised new questions about the violation of celebrities privacy, with the agency involved denying the use of a long-lens camera and insisting that Bieber had no expectation of privacy on a secluded, ocean-facing property based on a remote island.

In the letter, Clone-A-Willy suggests Bieber fronts a large billboard in West Hollywood and that backing a sex toy company might help promote his new album, according to The Huffington Post.

“Justin Bieber, he's popular, talented and now as the entire world knows… quite well-endowed. You can only imagine... a huge billboard of Justin Bieber and Clone-A-Willy in West Hollywood. It would surely do wonders to help promote his new album and certainly wouldn't hurt his 'dating“ life," the letter reads.

“We know that Justin is a big celebrity and our offer is commiserate [sic] with someone of his enormous stature,” the letter continues.

“We are offering Mr. Bieber a million dollars to endorse “Clone-A-Willy.”

Bieber has not responded to the generous offer, and his management did not immediately comment when asked by The Independent.

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