Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to divorce: The front page that tells you everything about how the US treats Jennifer Aniston

The New York Post's choice of cover did not hold back on pulling the Friends actor back into matters

Maya Oppenheim
Wednesday 21 September 2016 17:31 BST
Somehow Aniston has found herself propelled back into the limelight despite the fact she has not had a thing to do with the couple’s divorce
Somehow Aniston has found herself propelled back into the limelight despite the fact she has not had a thing to do with the couple’s divorce (Getty)

The New York Post appears to have taken inspiration for its front cover from the flashing memes of Jennifer Aniston grinning from ear to ear which have flooded social media.

Aniston and Brad Pitt might have divorced over a decade ago but the US tabloid could not resist the chance to revisit their separation and drag Aniston back into the recent news Angelina Jolie was choosing to file for divorce from Pitt.

According to TMZ, who broke the news on Tuesday, Jolie is filing for physical custody of their children and for Pitt to have visitation and joint legal custody. The entertainment site, which claims to have viewed a legal filing, said Jolie “was extremely upset” by Pitt's parenting methods.

Instead of choosing the stock images of Jolie and Pitt glamorously-clad arm-in-arm on route to some award ceremony or riding into a sunset on a motorbike to adopt a child in Vietnam, they went for one of the Friends actress grinning like the cheshire cat. Sharing an image of the cover on Twitter, they have written: “Jennifer Aniston knew Brangelina would end one day”.

Throughout tabloid reports and social media, Aniston has somehow found herself propelled back into the limelight despite the fact she has not had a thing to do with the couple’s divorce. Memes, gifs, and monologues have exploded throughout the Twittersphere as Aniston has trended on the site. From videos of Aniston doing cheerleader dances taken from Friends to graphics of her referring “karma” or “closure”, people are delighting in imagining her reactions to the divorce news.

In case you managed to forget, after Pitt and Jolie confirmed they were a couple in 2006, tabloids and gossip mags were inundated with headlines pitting Jolie against Aniston. Team Jen against Team Jolie t-shirts were even rolled out.

It might have taken Aniston decades to shake off the press painting her as a lonely spinster and interviewers shamelessly probing about her love life but it seems she is now being dragged back into the past yet again.

A representative for the New York Post did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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