Janine Gibson: Former Guardian editor appointed head of BuzzFeed UK

The journalist was in the running to replace Alan Rusbridger as head of the paper

Helen Nianias
Tuesday 16 June 2015 12:55 BST
(Getty Images)

Janine Gibson has been appointed editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed's UK operation, just weeks after losing out to Katharine Viner as editor of the Guardian.

Gibson, who was a senior editor at the paper, called the expansion of the website "the vital combination of possible and exciting."

The journalist spend 17 years at the Guardian before making the move. She oversaw the Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of the NSA files based on material obtained by Edward Snowden.

Gibson was in the running to replace long-time editor Alan Rusbridger earlier this year, but lost out to Viner.

BuzzFeed launched its British operation in 2012, and currently employs 45 British staff.

Recently, the website has grown to encompass hard news, including political analysis and coverage of LGBT and black and minority ethnic issues.

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