Charlize Theron on Hollywood sexism: 'We live in a society where women wilt and men age like fine wine'

The Oscar-award winning actress says older women are expected to adhere to unrealistic ideals of beauty

Maya Oppenheim
Tuesday 05 April 2016 11:13 BST
The 40-year-old Oscar-award winning actress initially started out a model before embarking on a career in acting but says it was a struggle to eschew stereotypical “pretty” female roles in Hollywood
The 40-year-old Oscar-award winning actress initially started out a model before embarking on a career in acting but says it was a struggle to eschew stereotypical “pretty” female roles in Hollywood (Getty Images)

Charlize Theron has spoken forthrightly about society’s deeply sexist attitude towards ageing, highlighting the gulf between how men and women are percieved.

The 40-year-old Oscar-award winning actress has frequently been outspoken about sexism in the Hollywood, arguing that it is an issue which must be first and foremost addressed in wider society.

Theron has a history of playing strong, female leads in films such as Mad Max: Fury Road and Dark Places.

“We live in a society where women wilt and men age like fine wine,” Theron has explained in an interview with GQ. “And, for a long time, women accepted it. We were waiting for society to change, but now we’re taking leadership”.

“It would be a lie to say there is less worry for women as they get older than there is for men... It feels there’s this unrealistic standard of what a woman is supposed to look like when she’s over 40,” Theron adds.

Theron initially started out a model before embarking on a career in acting, but says it was a struggle to eschew stereotypical “pretty” female roles in Hollywood.

“Jobs with real gravitas go to people that are physically right for them and that’s the end of the story,” she says. “How many roles are out there for the gorgeous, f***ing, gown-wearing eight-foot model? When meaty roles come through, I’ve been in the room and pretty people get turned away first.”

Last year news arose that the South African star had successfully settled equal pay with her fellow male actors in the sequel for Snow White and The Huntsman.

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