Caitlyn Jenner condemns 'bathroom law' forcing transgender people to use public toilets based on birth gender

Reality TV star and activist writes a lengthy blog post criticising anti-LGBT legislation in the US

Nick Levine
Saturday 23 April 2016 16:41 BST
Caitlyn Jenner has become one of the most visible trans women in the world
Caitlyn Jenner has become one of the most visible trans women in the world (Getty Images)

Caitlyn Jenner has voiced her opposition to anti-LGBT legislation in the US, arguing that North Carolina's bathroom law could lead to "abuse, aggressive and confrontational behaviour".

Passed last month, the law requires people to use the public toilet designated to the biological sex they were designated at birth, rather than the gender they identify with.

Meanwhile, a new law approved in Mississippi allows businesses to deny services to same-sex couples on religious grounds.

People protesting the law outside the General Assembly in Raleigh, North Carolina last week
People protesting the law outside the General Assembly in Raleigh, North Carolina last week (AP)

"I've spent a lot of time thinking about what kind of message these harmful bills send, especially to transgender youth growing up in these states," Jenner wrote in a lengthy blog post on her website.

"We all want safety and privacy in public bathrooms. But these anti-LGBT bills, like the ones in North Carolina and Mississippi, actually make us less safe, not more safe," the reality TV star and activist added.

"They open the door to abuse, aggressive and confrontational behavior in bathrooms, and encourage strangers to demand that women and girls prove that they are actually female in order to use the restroom. No one wants that."

Jenner, who shared the blog post with her 3.8m million Twitter followers, also urged people to "listen to the stories of actual transgender people who live near you".

"We have already seen the difference it makes!" she explained. "In South Dakota, a group of incredibly brave trans youth shared their stories with Governor Dennis Daugaard, and he vetoed a bad bill that targeted trans people."

Several high-profile musicians have cancelled concerts in North Carolina in recent weeks in protest against the bathroom law, including Pearl Jam, Boston and Bruce Springsteen.

During his visit to the UK, President Barack Obama said the controversial bill was "wrong" and should be overturned.

The British Government has changed its travel advice to warn of the impact on the legislation on LGBT travellers visiting the state.

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