Burkini ban: Loose Women panellist Gloria Hunniford asks 'what could be hidden under long garments'

'It is unusual to have policemen on the beach but horrific things have happened,' says TV presenter

Maya Oppenheim
Thursday 25 August 2016 11:28 BST
Gloria Hunniford criticised for burkini comments

Gloria Hunniford has stirred controversy for "playing devil's advocate" in response to the burkini ban and questioning what could be concealed under long garments.

The 76-year-old presenter’s comments come after armed police forced a woman on a beach in Nice to remove her burkini on Tuesday as part of a controversial new ban. The incident occurred on the beach at the city's Promenade des Anglais, the scene of last month’s Bastille Day lorry attack which saw 84 people killed.

Authorities in several French towns have imposed bans on the Burkini and cited concerns about religious clothing in the aftermath of recent terrorist attacks in France.

Appearing on ITV show Loose Women, the 76-year-old broadcaster who presents Rip Off Britain, said she could see why security had been heightened in France.

“In a way you can understand how the security has really been bumped up and it is unusual to have policemen on the beach but horrific things have happened,” she said.

“Nothing is ideal or idyllic anymore sadly because of worldwide terrorism,” she added later in the discussion.

“I'm not defending this at all because I find it really objectionable in a way, but I suppose if I was being devil's advocate I would say, 'Well what could be hidden under long garments and people have been shot on beaches?'”

Hunniford’s comments prompted criticism from some on social media.

“Gloria Hunniford making racist and incorrect political remarks on national tv is highly offensive & inappropriate,” wrote one Twitter user.

“@loosewomen. Where is a woman going to hide a Bomb? In her vagina? Really!!” wrote another user.

Another added: “So what are archbishops keeping under their cassocks and robes, Gloria? Ooh and that mitre, lot of room in there!”

“The French burkini issue Gloria said how do we know what they're wearing under that, they're wearing their human skin! #shameonu,” said one more.

The photos of the woman in Nice emerged as a mother of two also said she had been fined on the beach in Cannes wearing leggings, a tunic and a headscarf and informed by police that her clothing as “not correct” on Tuesday.

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