Bill Clinton photobombing America's saddest toddler is the best thing you'll see today

Proof, if any were needed, that small children should not be dragged to political rallies

Ella Alexander
Tuesday 04 November 2014 16:01 GMT

Bill Clinton was busy in Arkansas this weekend campaigning for Democratic Senator Mark Pryor when he spied the most spectacular photo opportunity.

Like his photobombing forefathers and mothers, Benedict Cumberbatch, The Queen and Jennifer Lawrence, the former US President saw fit to pounce in on the photo of an unsuspecting victim – in this case, the most melancholic-looking he could find.

Clinton smiles gleefully in the background, while the child looks mournfully down at the ground, clutching her kindle like it’s a gateway to a world free from political rallies. Little is known about the featured man wearing the biblical T-shirt, bearing a verse from Isaiah 53:5, or the intense-looking person with dark glasses in the far background.

Bill Clinton photobombs a sad little girl's picture, as shared by Fieldblazer via Reddit
Bill Clinton photobombs a sad little girl's picture, as shared by Fieldblazer via Reddit

However, all we know about this sad little girl, who was conveniently wearing Democrat blue, is this:

“She didn't want to be there,” said Reddit user Fieldblazer, who shared the picture, which was taken by a friend.

“It was really cold outside for what we're used to and this was after the event.”

The image has unsurprisingly gone viral. Clinton knows a good photo opp when he sees one, having previously photobombed Kelly Clarkson.

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