Angelina Jolie forced to pull out of Unbroken premiere after contracting chickenpox

It’s been a tough week for the actress

Heather Saul
Saturday 13 December 2014 12:41 GMT
Jolie has been forced to pull from promoting Unbroken after contracting chickenpox
Jolie has been forced to pull from promoting Unbroken after contracting chickenpox (YouTube )

It has not been the best of weeks for Angelina Jolie.

The actress was pictured looking stony-faced as she was greeted by Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal, just days after emails between Pascal and producer Scott Rudin branding Jolie a “minimally talented spoiled brat” were leaked by hackers.

On Thursday, it was revealed her film Unbroken was not nominated for any Golden Globe awards, a major event in the film season.

Now, Jolie has been forced to pull from promoting Unbroken after contracting chickenpox. The film is due to premiere in the US on Monday.

Jolie has spoken openly about her high hopes for the war biopic she directed, previously admitting her hopes for an Academy Award for her film.

Explaining her decision to announce her absence with a YouTube video, the 39-year-old said she wanted to be “clear and honest” about why she will be missing the forthcoming Unbroken events .

“I found out last night that I had chickenpox, so I will be home itching and missing everyone, and I can’t believe it because this film means so much to me.”

The actress, who is seen covered in the video covered in a chickenpox rash, added: “I just can’t believe it, but such is life, there it is. Send everyone my love and hope everything goes well.”

Unbroken follows the life of the late Louis Zamperini, the Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II.

Universal Pictures, who released the video, said: “We all wish Angelina a speedy recovery and look forward to her returning to her work very soon. She is in very good spirits considering after two years of hard work she will not be there the night it finally premieres.”

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