Alan Sugar tells Katie Hopkins to 'shut up' after columnist's controversial Cilla Black tweets

He said she needed to draw a line under her controversial remarks

Chris Mandle
Monday 03 August 2015 09:28 BST
Alan Sugar
Alan Sugar (Getty)

Alan Sugar told Katie Hopkins to put an end to her controversial remarks on twitter, saying ‘you need to know where to draw the line’ after the controversial columnist mocked people for paying their respects to Cilla Black.

Hopkins has been outspoken on subjects ranging from euthanasia to eating disorders but her tweets shaming people with the hashtag ‘#rushtogush’ pushed her old mentor Sir Alan over the edge.

Sir Alan, who is just as outspoken when he needs to be, called her an idiot and told her to shut up after she said ‘When we show respect we have a minute’s silence. When slebs want to be seen showing respect, there is a deafening clamour #rushtogush’.

She responded by telling him to calm down: ‘You know you love your favourite Apprentice really …’

But Sugar’s reply spelled out how inappropriate he found her comments.

“Enough with the controversy BS you need to know where to draw the line,” he said. “This was too far.”

Other people shared his opinions, telling her what they thought of her cruel remarks, but Hopkins did what she typically did in moments like this and continued to mock people.

Black died at her Spanish home yesterday at the age of 72, her representative confirmed. She is believed to have died of natural causes.

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