35 women accusing Bill Cosby of sexual assault told their stories to New York Magazine

'I'm no longer afraid. I feel more powerful than him'

Justin Carissimo
Monday 27 July 2015 18:46 BST
(New York Magazine)

More than 40 women have accused Bill Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting them, now 35 alleged victims have spoken out against the former icon and the culture who ignored them.

"The Cosby Show" star was formerly known as "America's Dad," now 35 of his accusers were published in New York Magazine's issue on Monday. The cover story illustrates, through photography and personal accounts, decades-long patterns of alleged sexual abuse.

(New York Magazine)

The story released early on Sunday night with an essay by NYMag senior editor Noreen Malone and striking photography from Amanda Demme.

"More has changed in the past few years for women who allege rape than in all the decades since the women’s movement began," she writes in piece's intro.

The powerful issue comes weeks after previously sealed court documents were released which revealed Mr Cosby testifying in 2005 to obtaining drugs with the intent on using them on women he wanted to sleep with.

The 36th victim photographed, an empty chair, represents other victims of sexual assault who aren't able to come forward and tell their own stories of abuse.

Mr Cosby strenuously denies the allegations and has not been charged of any wrongdoing. The comedian has denied previous claims, calling them "fantastical" and “uncorroborated".

Twitter users shared the article and used #TheEmptyChair to speak out and even detail their own stories of sexual assault.

With New York Magazine's website down due to an alledged hack, the title began telling the story on their Instagram page through embedded videos.

A video posted by New York Magazine (@nymag) on

A video posted by New York Magazine (@nymag) on

Read the New York Magazine piece in its entirety below:

‘I’m No Longer Afraid’: 35 Women Tell Their Stories About Being Assaulted by Bill Cosby, and the Culture That Wouldn’t Listen

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