Letter from the Deputy Editor: Three stories that will drastically alter lives


Rhodri Jones
Monday 03 March 2014 01:00 GMT

It is every editor’s aim to produce the paper that sets the day’s agenda and to expose big stories that will dominate coverage. This week, as we send the final pages to press late on Sunday night, we are in the unusual position of already knowing three stories which will play a big part in today’s news agenda. All three will drastically alter lives, but in very different ways.

The unfolding crisis in Ukraine (our cover story) is of greatest concern, not only for residents of the largest country entirely in Europe, but also for the world. The dangers of all-out war are impossible to ignore, especially if Russia and the US get involved.

In the southern hemisphere the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius, who shot dead his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, gets under way. For South Africa’s once golden couple, one has died in tragic circumstances, and for the other life will change beyond recognition, no matter what the verdict.

On the other side of the Atlantic, film stars gathered for the Oscars. I don’t yet know the winners, but I do know a website that does: independent.co.uk/oscars2014.


For the past week or so our letters page has featured the best of your 'signs of madness' – businesses with puns in their names. While I applaud your creativity, many now have a whiff of urban myth about them. (It’s uncanny how many of you know a camping store with a sign declaring 'Now is the winter of our discount tents', or have your windows cleaned by 'Seymour Clearly'.)

So, to sign off (ahem) on the issue, I’ll give a final nod to a sports outfitter in Los Angeles called 'The Merchant of Tennis'; the charity shop in Bristol named 'Happytat'; and my personal favourite: 'Bonnie Tiler', a roofer in East Lothian (apparently he is).

But I’m afraid I have to confirm that rumours we are renaming editions of the paper printed in Scotland as 'Aye' are untrue.


Twitter.com: @jonesrhodri

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